Jonathan Grandy
Jonathan Grandy
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Advances in solid phase microextraction and perspective on future directions
N Reyes-Garces, E Gionfriddo, GA Gómez-Ríos, MN Alam, E Boyacı, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (1), 302-360, 2017
Development of a carbon mesh supported thin film microextraction membrane as a means to lower the detection limits of benchtop and portable GC/MS instrumentation
JJ Grandy, E Boyacı, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 88 (3), 1760-1767, 2016
Development of a hydrophilic lipophilic balanced thin film solid phase microextraction device for balanced determination of volatile organic compounds
JJ Grandy, V Singh, M Lashgari, M Gauthier, J Pawliszyn
Analytical chemistry 90 (23), 14072-14080, 2018
Inter-laboratory validation of a thin film microextraction technique for determination of pesticides in surface water samples
H Piri-Moghadam, E Gionfriddo, A Rodriguez-Lafuente, JJ Grandy, ...
Analytica Chimica Acta 964, 74-84, 2017
Development of a drone-based thin-film solid-phase microextraction water sampler to facilitate on-site screening of environmental pollutants
JJ Grandy, V Galpin, V Singh, J Pawliszyn
Analytical chemistry 92 (19), 12917-12924, 2020
Development and validation of eco-friendly strategies based on thin film microextraction for water analysis
H Piri-Moghadam, E Gionfriddo, JJ Grandy, MN Alam, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1579, 20-30, 2018
Deposition of a sorbent into a recession on a solid support to provide a new, mechanically robust solid-phase microextraction device
JJ Poole, JJ Grandy, M Yu, E Boyaci, GA Gómez-Ríos, N Reyes-Garcés, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (15), 8021-8026, 2017
Solid phase microextraction on-fiber derivatization using a stable, portable, and reusable pentafluorophenyl hydrazine standard gas generating vial
JJ Poole, JJ Grandy, GA Gómez-Ríos, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 88 (13), 6859-6866, 2016
Recent advances in breath analysis to track human health by new enrichment technologies
C Ghosh, V Singh, J Grandy, J Pawliszyn
Journal of separation science 43 (1), 226-240, 2020
Development of thin-film solid-phase microextraction coating and method for determination of artificial sweeteners in surface waters
DM Cárdenas-Soracá, V Singh, E Nazdrajić, T Vasiljević, JJ Grandy, ...
Talanta 211, 120714, 2020
Comprehensive analysis of multiresidue pesticides from process water obtained from wastewater treatment facilities using solid-phase microextraction
DA Rickert, V Singh, M Thirukumaran, JJ Grandy, JR Belinato, M Lashgari, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (24), 15789-15799, 2020
Introducing a mechanically robust SPME sampler for the on-site sampling and extraction of a wide range of untargeted pollutants in environmental waters
JJ Grandy, M Lashgari, H Vander Heide, J Poole, J Pawliszyn
Environmental pollution 252, 825-834, 2019
Development and validation of a headspace needle-trap method for rapid quantitative estimation of butylated hydroxytoluene from cosmetics by hand-portable GC-MS
C Ghosh, V Singh, J Grandy, J Pawliszyn
RSC Advances 10 (11), 6671-6677, 2020
Overcoming matrix effects in the analysis of pyrethroids in honey by a fully automated direct immersion solid-phase microextraction method using a matrix-compatible fiber
JR Belinato, JJ Grandy, A Khaled, PAO Suarez, J Pawliszyn
Food Chemistry 340, 128127, 2021
Development of a standard gas generating vial comprised of a silicon oil–polystyrene/divinylbenzene composite sorbent
JJ Grandy, GA Gómez-Ríos, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1410, 1-8, 2015
Development and validation of an improved, thin film solid phase microextraction based, standard gas generating vial for the repeatable generation of gaseous standards
JJ Grandy, K Murtada, JR Belinato, PAO Suárez, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1632, 461541, 2020
Development of porous carbon/polydimethylsiloxane thin-film solid-phase microextraction membranes to facilitate on-site sampling of volatile organic compounds
K Murtada, V Galpin, JJ Grandy, V Singh, F Sanchez, J Pawliszyn
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 21, 100435, 2021
Direct immersion thin film solid phase microextraction of polychlorinated n-alkanes in cod liver oil
D Gruszecka, J Grandy, E Gionfriddo, V Singh, J Pawliszyn
Food Chemistry 353, 129244, 2021
Unique solid phase microextraction sampler reveals distinctive biogeochemical profiles among various deep-sea hydrothermal vents
JJ Grandy, B Onat, V Tunnicliffe, DA Butterfield, J Pawliszyn
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1360, 2020
Analysis of beverage samples using thin film solid phase microextraction (TF-SPME) and thermal desorption GC/MS
JR Stuff, JA Whitecavage, JJ Grandy, J Pawliszyn
GERSTEL Application Note 200, 1-9, 2018
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