Stephen Hasiotis
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Significance of different modes of rhizolith preservation to interpreting paleoenvironmental and paleohydrologic settings: examples from Paleogene paleosols, Bighorn Basin …
MJ Kraus, ST Hasiotis
Journal of Sedimentary Research 76 (4), 633-646, 2006
Continental ichnology: using terrestrial and freshwater trace fossils for environmental and climatic interpretations
ST Hasiotis
Reconnaissance of Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation ichnofossils, Rocky Mountain Region, USA: paleoenvironmental, stratigraphic, and paleoclimatic significance of terrestrial …
ST Hasiotis
Sedimentary Geology 167 (3-4), 177-268, 2004
A comparison of crayfish burrow morphologies: Triassic and Holocene fossil, paleo‐and neo‐ichnological evidence, and the identification of their burrowing signatures
ST Hasiotis, CE Mitchell
Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 2 (4), 291-314, 1993
Elective cancer surgery in COVID-19–free surgical pathways during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international, multicenter, comparative cohort study
JC Glasbey, D Nepogodiev, JFF Simoes, O Omar, E Li, ML Venn, PGDME, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 39 (1), 66-78, 2021
Continental Ichnology: Fundamental Processes and Controls on Trace Fossil Distribution
ST Hasiotis
Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects, 268-284, 2007
Continental ichnology: fundamental processes and controls on trace fossil distribution
ST Hasiotis
Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects, 268-284, 2007
Complex ichnofossils of solitary and social soil organisms: understanding their evolution and roles in terrestrial paleoecosystems
ST Hasiotis
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 192 (1-4), 259-320, 2003
Lower to Middle Cretaceous Dinosaur faunas of the central Colorado Plateau: A key to understanding 35 million years of tectonics, sedimentology, evolution, and biogeography.
J Kirkland, B Britt, D Burge, K Carpenter, R Cifelli, F DeCourtin, J Eaton, ...
Field Guidebook, Brigham Young University Geology Studies Volume, 69-103, 1997
Naktodemasis bowni: new ichnogenus and ichnospecies for adhesive meniscate burrows (AMB), and paleoenvironmental implications, Paleogene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
JJ Smith, ST Hasiotis, MJ Kraus, DT Woody
Journal of Paleontology 82 (2), 267-278, 2008
Invertebrate trace fossils: the backbone of continental ichnology
ST Hasiotis, TM Bown
Short Courses in Paleontology 5, 64-104, 1992
Application of morphologic burrow interpretations to discern continental burrow architects: lungfish or crayfish?
ST Hasiotis, CE Mitchell, RF Dubiel
Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 2 (4), 315-333, 1993
Vertebrate burrows from Triassic and Jurassic continental deposits of North America and Antarctica: their paleoenvironmental and paleoecological significance
ST Hasiotis, RW Wellner, AJ Martin, TM Demko
Ichnos 11 (1-2), 103-124, 2004
Tetrapod and large burrows of uncertain origin in Triassic high paleolatitude floodplain deposits, Antarctica
MF Miller, ST Hasiotis, LE Babcock, JL Isbell, JW Collinson
Palaios 16 (3), 218-232, 2001
Application of forensic science techniques to trace fossils on dinosaur bones from a quarry in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, northeastern Wyoming
KS Bader, ST Hasiotis, LD Martin
Palaios 24 (3), 140-158, 2009
Traces and burrowing behaviors of the cicada nymph Cicadetta calliope: Neoichnology and paleoecological significance of extant soil-dwelling insects
JJ Smith, ST Hasiotis
Palaios 23 (8), 503-513, 2008
Relationship of floodplain ichnocoenoses to paleopedology, paleohydrology, and paleoclimate in the Willwood Formation, Wyoming, during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
JJ Smith, ST Hasiotis, MJ Kraus, DT Woody
Palaios 23 (10), 683-699, 2008
Transport and deposition of mud in deep‐water environments: Processes and stratigraphic implications
K Boulesteix, M Poyatos‐Moré, SS Flint, KG Taylor, DM Hodgson, ...
Sedimentology 66 (7), 2894-2925, 2019
Termite (Insecta: Isoptera) nest ichnofossils from the upper triassic chinle formation, petrified forest national park, Arizona
ST Hasiotis, RF Dubiel
Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 4 (2), 119-130, 1995
Transient dwarfism of soil fauna during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
JJ Smith, ST Hasiotis, MJ Kraus, DT Woody
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (42), 17655-17660, 2009
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