Analytic continuation of Liouville theory D Harlow, J Maltz, E Witten
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (12), 1-105, 2011
332 2011 Light states in Chern-Simons theory coupled to fundamental matter S Banerjee, S Hellerman, J Maltz, SH Shenker
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (3), 1-45, 2013
62 2013 A proposal of the gauge theory description of the small Schwarzschild black hole in AdS5× S5 M Hanada, J Maltz
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (2), 1-21, 2017
58 2017 Effective string theory simplified S Hellerman, S Maeda, J Maltz, I Swanson
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (9), 1-22, 2014
50 2014 Chaos in matrix models and black hole evaporation E Berkowitz, M Hanada, J Maltz
Physical Review D 94 (12), 126009, 2016
41 2016 Toward holographic reconstruction of bulk geometry from lattice simulations E Rinaldi, E Berkowitz, M Hanada, J Maltz, P Vranas
Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 (2), 2018
27 2018 A microscopic description of black hole evaporation via holography E Berkowitz, M Hanada, J Maltz
International Journal of Modern Physics D 25 (12), 1644002, 2016
27 2016 de Sitter Space as a Resonance J Maltz, L Susskind
Physical Review Letters 118 (10), 101602, 2017
21 2017 Deconfinement transition as black hole formation by the condensation of QCD strings M Hanada, J Maltz, L Susskind
Physical Review D 90 (10), 105019, 2014
21 2014 Gauge invariant computable quantities in timelike Liouville theory J Maltz
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (1), 1-18, 2013
11 2013 de Sitter harmonies: Cosmological spacetimes as resonances J Maltz
Physical Review D 95 (6), 066006, 2017
8 2017 Towards a String Theory Model of De Sitter Space and Early Universe Cosmology JD Maltz
Stanford University, 2013
3 2013 Towards String Theory models of DeSitter Space and early Universe Cosmology J Maltz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.2356, 2013
2 2013 A proposal of the gauge theory description of the small M Hanada, J Maltz
2017 A proposal of the gauge theory description of the small Schwarzschild black hole in AdS S M Hanada, J Maltz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03276, 2016
2016 Deconfinement Transition As Black Hole Formation By The Condensation Of QCD Strings J Maltz, M Hanada, L Susskind
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.1732, 2014