Kai Wegerich
Kai Wegerich
Afiliere necunoscută
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Hydro-hegemony in the Amu Darya basin
K Wegerich
Water policy 10 (S2), 71-88, 2008
Policy and institutional reform: The art of the possible
DJ Merrey, R Meinzen-Dick, PP Mollinga, E Karar, W Huppert, J Rees, ...
Water for Food Water for Life, 193-232, 2013
Identification of the effective water availability from streamflows in the Zerafshan river basin, Central Asia
O Olsson, M Gassmann, K Wegerich, M Bauer
Journal of Hydrology 390 (3-4), 190-197, 2010
The feminization of agriculture in post-Soviet Tajikistan
N Mukhamedova, K Wegerich
Journal of Rural Studies 57, 128-139, 2018
Coping with disintegration of a river-basin management system: multi-dimensional issues in Central Asia
K Wegerich
Water Policy 6 (4), 335-344, 2004
Water security in the Syr Darya basin
K Wegerich, D Van Rooijen, I Soliev, N Mukhamedova
Water 7 (9), 4657-4684, 2015
Reliving the past in a changed environment: Hydropower ambitions, opportunities and constraints in Tajikistan
K Wegerich, O Olsson, J Froebrich
Energy Policy 35 (7), 3815-3825, 2007
The costs of benefit sharing: Historical and institutional analysis of shared water development in the Ferghana Valley, the Syr Darya Basin
I Soliev, K Wegerich, J Kazbekov
Water 7 (6), 2728-2752, 2015
Institutional change: A theoretical approach
K Wegerich
SOAS Occasional Paper, 1-27, 2001
Natural drought or human made water scarcity in Uzbekistan
K Wegerich
Central Asia and the Caucasus 2 (14), 154-162, 2002
Water resources in Central Asia: regional stability or patchy make-up?
K Wegerich
Central Asian Survey 30 (2), 275-290, 2011
Assessment of water quality and quantity trends in Kabul aquifers with an outline for future drinking water supplies
A Zaryab, AR Noori, K Wegerich, B Kløve
Central Asian Journal of Water Research 3 (2), 3-11, 2017
Water user associations in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan: study on conditions for sustainable development
K Wegerich
SOAS Occasional Paper, 1-27, 2000
Handing over the sunset: external factors influencing the establishment of water user associations in Uzbekistan: evidence from Khorezm province
K Wegerich
Cuvillier Verlag, 2010
A critical review of the concept of equity to support water allocation at various scales in the Amu Darya basin
K Wegerich
Irrigation and drainage systems 21, 185-195, 2007
Re-examining conflict and cooperation in Central Asia: a case study from the Isfara River, Ferghana Valley
M Pak, K Wegerich, J Kazbekov
International Journal of Water Resources Development 30 (2), 230-245, 2014
Rural poverty reduction: What's irrigation got to do with it?
K Wegerich
The Politics of Water: A Survey, 201-213, 2010
The politics of water: a survey
K Wegerich, J Warner
Routledge, 2010
Interactive institutional design and contextual relevance: Water user groups in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan
F Mukhtarov, S Fox, N Mukhamedova, K Wegerich
Environmental science & policy 53, 206-214, 2015
Is it possible to shift to hydrological boundaries? The Ferghana Valley meshed system
K Wegerich, J Kazbekov, N Mukhamedova, S Musayev
International Journal of Water Resources Development 28 (3), 545-564, 2012
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