Robert Hildebrand
Robert Hildebrand
University of California
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe roberthildebrand.com
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Trace element discrimination of arc, slab failure, and A-type granitic rocks
JB Whalen, RS Hildebrand
Lithos 348, 105179, 2019
Kiruna-type deposits; their origin and relationship to intermediate subvolcanic plutons in the Great Bear magmatic zone, Northwest Canada
RS Hildebrand
Economic Geology 81 (3), 640-659, 1986
Tectono-magmatic evolution of the 1.9-Ga Great Bear magmatic zone, Wopmay orogen, northwestern Canada
RS Hildebrand, PF Hoffman, SA Bowring
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 32 (1-3), 99-118, 1987
Did westward subduction cause Cretaceous-Tertiary orogeny in the North American Cordillera?
RS Hildebrand
Geological Society of America, 2009
The Calderian orogeny in Wopmay orogen (1.9 Ga), northwestern Canadian shield
RS Hildebrand, PF Hoffman, SA Bowring
Bulletin 122 (5-6), 794-814, 2010
Mesozoic Assembly of the North American Cordillera
RS Hildebrand
Geological Society of America Special Papers 495, 169p., 2013
Arc and Slab-Failure Magmatism in Cordilleran Batholiths II – The Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges Batholith of Southern and Baja California
JB Hildebrand, Robert S. and Whalen
Geoscience Canada 41, 399-458, 2014
Resolving the crustal composition paradox by 3.8 billion years of slab failure magmatism and collisional recycling of continental crust
RS Hildebrand, JB Whalen, SA Bowring
Tectonophysics 734, 69-88, 2018
The tectonic setting and origin of Cretaceous batholiths within the North American Cordillera: the case for slab failure magmatism and its significance for crustal growth
RS Hildebrand, JB Whalen
Crustal recycling by slab failure
RS Hildebrand, SA Bowring
Geology 27 (1), 11-14, 1999
The shaler supergroup and revision of Neoproterozoic stratigraphy in Amundsen Basin, Northwest Territories
RH Rainbird, CW Jefferson, RS Hildebrand, JK Worth
Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1994, 61-70, 1994
Birthdate for the Coronation paleocean: age of initial rifting in Wopmay orogen, Canada
PF Hoffman, SA Bowring, R Buchwaldt, RS Hildebrand
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 48 (2), 281-293, 2011
Geology of the Athapuscow aulacogen, east arm of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie
PF Hoffman, IR Bell, RS Hildebrand, L Thorstad
Report of Activities, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper, 117-129, 1977
The nature of volcano-plutonic relations and the shapes of epizonal plutons of continental arcs as revealed in the Great Bear magmatic zone, northwestern Canada
RS Hildebrand, PF Hoffman, T Housh, SA Bowring
Geosphere 6 (6), 812-839, 2010
Dismemberment and northward migration of the Cordilleran orogen: Baja-BC resolved
RS Hildebrand
GSA Today 25 (11), 4-11, 2015
Early Proterozoic LaBine Group of Wopmay orogen: Remnant of a continental volcanic arc developed during oblique convergence
RS Hildebrand
Proterozoic basins in Canada, 133-156, 1981
Continental intra-arc depressions: A nonextensional model for their origin, with a Proterozoic example from Wopmay orogen
RS Hildebrand, SA Bowring
Geology 12 (2), 73-77, 1984
Arc and Slab-Failure Magmatism in Cordilleran Batholiths I – The Cretaceous Coastal Batholith of Peru and its Role in South American Orogenesis and Hemispheric Subduction Flip
JB Hildebrand, Robert S., and Whalen
Geoscience Canada 41, 255-282, 2014
Geology, Mantle Tomography, and Inclination Corrected Paleogeographic Trajectories Support Westward Subduction During Cretaceous Orogenesis in the North American Cordillera
RS Hildebrand
Geoscience Canada 41, 207-224, 2014
On folds and thrusts affecting the Coppermine River Group, northwestern Canadian Shield
RS Hildebrand, WRA Baragar
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 28 (4), 523-531, 1991
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