Markus Reiter-Haas
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Predicting music relistening behavior using the ACT-R framework
M Reiter-Haas, E Parada-Cabaleiro, M Schedl, E Motamedi, M Tkalcic, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on recommender systems, 702-707, 2021
Using autoencoders for session-based job recommendations
E Lacic, M Reiter-Haas, D Kowald, M Reddy Dareddy, J Cho, E Lex
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 30, 617-658, 2020
Polarization of opinions on COVID-19 measures: integrating twitter and survey data
M Reiter-Haas, B Klösch, M Hadler, E Lex
Social Science Computer Review 41 (5), 1811-1835, 2023
Should we embed? A study on the online performance of utilizing embeddings for real-time job recommendations
E Lacic, M Reiter-Haas, T Duricic, V Slawicek, E Lex
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on recommender systems, 496-500, 2019
Integrating the act-r framework with collaborative filtering for explainable sequential music recommendation
M Moscati, C Wallmann, M Reiter-Haas, D Kowald, E Lex, M Schedl
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on recommender systems, 840-847, 2023
Studying moral-based differences in the framing of political tweets
M Reiter-Haas, S Kopeinik, E Lex
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 15 …, 2021
Beyond accuracy optimization: On the value of item embeddings for student job recommendations
E Lacic, D Kowald, M Reiter-Haas, V Slawicek, E Lex
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.07762, 2017
Exploration of framing biases in polarized online content consumption
M Reiter-Haas
Companion proceedings of the ACM web conference 2023, 560-564, 2023
mcpt at semeval-2023 task 3: Multilingual label-aware contrastive pre-training of transformers for few-and zero-shot framing detection
M Reiter-Haas, A Ertl, K Innerebner, E Lex
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.09901, 2023
Framing analysis of health-related narratives: Conspiracy versus mainstream media
M Reiter-Haas, B Klösch, M Hadler, E Lex
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10030, 2024
Combining Survey and Social Media Data: Respondents' Opinions on COVID-19 Measures and Their Willingness to Provide Their Social Media Account Information
M Hadler, B Klösch, M Reiter-Haas, E Lex
Frontiers in Sociology 7, 885784, 2022
Polarized opinions on Covid-19 and environmental policy measures. The role of social media use and personal concerns in German-speaking countries.
B Klösch, M Hadler, M Reiter-Haas, E Lex
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 37 (4), 941-964, 2024
Transparent music preference modeling and recommendation with a model of human memory theory
D Kowald, M Reiter-Haas, S Kopeinik, M Schedl, E Lex
A Human-Centered Perspective of Intelligent Personalized Environments and …, 2024
Computational Narrative Framing: Towards Identifying Frames through Contrasting the Evolution of Narrations.
M Reiter-Haas, B Klösch, M Hadler, E Lex
Text2Story@ ECIR, 129-135, 2024
FrameFinder: Explorative multi-perspective framing extraction from news headlines
M Reiter-Haas, B Klösch, M Hadler, E Lex
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and …, 2024
On the heterogeneous information needs in the job domain: A unified platform for student career
M Reiter-Haas, D Wittenbrink, E Lacic
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 573-574, 2020
Bridging the gap of polarization in public opinion on misinformed topics
M Reiter-Haas, B Klösch, M Hadler, E Lex
Challenging Misinformation: Exploring Limits and Approaches, workshop co …, 2020
The Framing Loop: Do Users Repeatedly Read Similar Framed News Online?
M Reiter-Haas, E Lex
IUI Workshops, 2024
Two-year progress of pilot research activities in teaching digital thinking project (TDT)
R Ambros, A Bernsteiner, R Bloem, D Dolezal, D Garcia, K Göltl, ...
Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 18 (Sonderheft Hochschullehre), 117–136 …, 2023
Social desirability and the willingness to provide social media accounts in surveys. The case of environmental attitudes
B Klösch, M Hadler, M Reiter-Haas, E Lex
4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics …, 2022
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