Biological effects, conservation potential, and research priorities of shark diving tourism AJ Gallagher, GMS Vianna, YP Papastamatiou, C Macdonald, ... Biological Conservation 184, 365-379, 2015 | 199 | 2015 |
Conservation potential of apex predator tourism C Macdonald, AJ Gallagher, A Barnett, J Brunnschweiler, DS Shiffman, ... Biological Conservation 215, 132-141, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
Nocturnal and crepuscular behavior in elasmobranchs: a review of movement, habitat use, foraging, and reproduction in the dark N Hammerschlag, RA Skubel, H Calich, ER Nelson, DS Shiffman, ... Bulletin of Marine Science 93 (2), 355-374, 2017 | 80 | 2017 |
Fishing practices and representations of shark conservation issues among users of a land-based shark angling online forum DS Shiffman, C Macdonald, HY Ganz, N Hammerschlag Fisheries Research 196, 13-26, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction: a way forward building on a history of conservation DS Shiffman, AJ Gallagher, J Wester, CC Macdonald, AD Thaler, ... Marine Policy 50, 318-322, 2014 | 72 | 2014 |
Inaccurate and biased global media coverage underlies public misunderstanding of shark conservation threats and solutions DS Shiffman, SJ Bittick, MS Cashion, SR Colla, LE Coristine, DH Derrick, ... Iscience 23 (6), 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Public understanding of wildlife tourism: defining terms, harms, and benefits C Macdonald, J Wester Journal of Ecotourism 20 (2), 198-209, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
The relationship between tourism and the environment in Florida, USA: A media content analysis C Macdonald, D Turffs, K McEntee, J Elliot, J Wester Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 4 (1), 100092, 2023 | 24 | 2023 |
The role and value of science in shark conservation advocacy DS Shiffman, CC Macdonald, SS Wallace, NK Dulvy Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16626, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Responsible shark & ray tourism: A guide to best practice AJ Lawrence, A Budziak, I Campbell, A Cornish, I Ender, B Jeffries, ... Gland, Switzerland: WWF, and Rancho Santa Margarita, USA: Project AWARE and …, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
A content analysis of 32 years of Shark Week documentaries LB Whitenack, BL Mickley, J Saltzman, SM Kajiura, CC Macdonald, ... PloS one 17 (11), e0256842, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Marine species conservation at CITES: How does media coverage inform or misinform? DS Shiffman, CC Macdonald, JN Wester, MB Walsh, A Chevalier, ... Marine Policy 134, 104813, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Surveys of recreational anglers reveal knowledge gaps and positive attitudes towards manta ray conservation in Florida JH Pate, C Macdonald, J Wester Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (6), 1410-1419, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
First identification of probable nursery habitat for critically endangered great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran on the Atlantic Coast of the United States C Macdonald, J Jerome, C Pankow, N Perni, K Black, D Shiffman, ... Conservation Science and Practice 3 (8), e418, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
The dark side of being a female shark researcher C Macdonald Scientific American. Available online at: https://www. scientificamerican …, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Demographic and geographic patterns of cetacean-based food product consumption and potential mercury exposure within a Caribbean whaling community R Fielding, JJ Kiszka, C Macdonald, MA McCormack, J Dutton, ... Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 27 (6), 1671-1695, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Shark conservation risks associated with the use of shark liver oil in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development C Macdonald, J Soll BioRxiv, 2020.10. 14.338053, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Stable Isotopic Dynamics of Juvenile Elasmobranchs in a South Carolina Nursery Area CJ Pankow, CC Macdonald, DS Shiffman, J Wester, D Abel Southeastern Naturalist 20 (1), 92-104, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Values, attitudes, and media exposure: Public perception of sharks and shark conservation in the USA C Macdonald, K McEntee, J Wester Biological conservation 286, 110305, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Agriculture and downstream ecosystems in Florida: an analysis of media discourse J Wester, D Turffs, K McEntee, C Pankow, N Perni, J Jerome, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (2), 3804-3816, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |