Self-leadership: A process for entrepreneurial success RS D'intino, MG Goldsby, JD Houghton, CP Neck Journal of leadership & organizational studies 13 (4), 105-120, 2007 | 393 | 2007 |
Measure for measure: modeling entrepreneurial self-efficacy onto instrumental tasks within the new venture creation process J Kickul, RS D'Intino New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 8 (2), 39-47, 2005 | 165 | 2005 |
The moral quandary of transformational leadership: Change for whom CU Stevens, RS D’Intino, B Victor Research in organizational change and development 8 (123-143), 1995 | 119 | 1995 |
Self-leadership, spirituality, and entrepreneur performance: A conceptual model JL Godwin, CP Neck, RS D’Intino Journal of management, spirituality & religion 13 (1), 64-78, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
Visionary entrepreneurial leadership in the aircraft industry: The Boeing Company legacy RS D'Intino, T Boyles, CP Neck, JR Hall Journal of Management History 14 (1), 39-54, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
What's holding back social entrepreneurship? Removing the impediments to theoretical advancement S Mueller, RS D’Intino, J Walske, ML Ehrenhard, SL Newbert, ... Journal of social entrepreneurship 6 (3), 245-256, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Corporate social performance: Creating resources to help organizations excel B Dennis, RS D'Intino, JD Houghton, CP Neck, T Boyles Global business and organizational excellence 27 (2), 26-41, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Entrepreneurship is a general education course! The why, how and transferability of the concept RS D'Intino, LW Ross, KA Byrd, KM Weaver Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 23 (sup1), 669-682, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
A SOCIAL CONTRACT PERSPECTIVE ON ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR. RS D'intino, JM Shepard, LM Wolfle Academy of Management Proceedings 2002 (1), C1-C6, 2002 | 16 | 2002 |
Volunteer firefighter recruitment and retention in rural Pennsylvania RS D'Intino Pennsylvania, Center for Rural Pennsylvania, 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
Integrating a project based learning model into the entrepreneurial university RS D’Intino, KM Weaver, EJ Schoen NJ: Rowan University, 2007 | 9 | 2007 |
Building an entrepreneurial university: A case study using a new venture development approach KM Weaver, R D’Intino, DM Miller Handbook of university-wide entrepreneurship education, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |
The impact of COVID-19 on prior and current learning J Rudin, R D'Intino, R Fleming, J Nicholson, S Jovanovski Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 15 (4), 1047-1055, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS A GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE! THE WHY, HOW AND TRANSFERABILITY OF THE CONCEPT LW Ross, RS D’Intino, KM Weaver, K Byrd annual meeting of the United States Association for Small Business and …, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Encouraging social entrepreneurship research legitimacy through academic journal special issues RS D'Intino, KW Kury Journal of Ethics & Entrepreneurship 8 (1), 4-10, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship G Guo New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
New organizational legal forms for global social ventures RS D'Intino ICSB World Conference Proceedings, 1, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
Teaching Social Entrepreneurship with Green Sustainability RS D'Intino ICSB World Conference Proceedings, 1, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
Organizational Citizenship Behavior RS D’Intino Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State …, 1999 | 1 | 1999 |
Founder Metacognitive Knowledge and the Adoption of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Leading New Ventures CJ Fox, WC Casper, RS D’Intino Journal of Leadership and Management 3 (5-6), 2015 | | 2015 |