Sam Geall
Citat de
Citat de
Narratives and pathways towards an ecological civilization in contemporary China
S Geall, A Ely
The China Quarterly 236, 1175-1196, 2018
Solar energy for poverty alleviation in China: State ambitions, bureaucratic interests, and local realities
S Geall, W Shen
Energy research & social science 41, 238-248, 2018
Solar PV and solar water heaters in China: Different pathways to low carbon energy
F Urban, S Geall, Y Wang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64 (October 2016), 531–542, 2016
China and the Environment: The Green Revolution
editor Geall, Sam, I Hilton, O Boyd, A Moser, J Ansfield, J Liu
Zed Books, 2013
Low carbon innovation in China: from overlooked opportunities and challenges to transitions in power relations and practices
D Tyfield, A Ely, S Geall
Sustainable Development 23 (4), 206-216, 2015
Sustainable maize production and consumption in China: practices and politics in transition
A Ely, S Geall, Y Song
Journal of Cleaner Production 134, 259-268, 2016
Interpreting ecological civilisation (part one)
S Geall
China Dialogue 6, 2015
China in Africa’s media and telecommunications: cooperation, connectivity and control
I Gagliardone, S Geall
Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF) Expert Analysis, 1-6, 2014
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on Climate Change?
S Geall
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Lowy …, 2017
Innovation for sustainability in a changing China: Exploring narratives and pathways
S Geall
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: STEPS …, 2015
Prospects, politics, and practices of solar energy innovation in China
F Urban, Y Wang, S Geall
The Journal of Environment & Development 27 (1), 74-98, 2018
Climate-Change Journalism and “Edgeball” Politics in Contemporary China
S Geall
Society and Natural Resources, 2018
China's Green Revolution Energy, Environment and the 12th Five-Year Plan
I Hilton, O Boyd, T Copsey, H Angang, L Jiaochen, L Jianqiang, SW Ng, ...
chinadialogue, 2011
China’s environmental governance challenge
S Geall, I Hilton
State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability, 129-137, 2014
Low-carbon China: emerging phenomena and implications for innovation governance: introduction to the special issue
A Ely, S Geall, Y Dai
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 30, 1-5, 2019
The political economy of state-led energy transformations: lessons from solar PV in Kenya and China
D Ockwell, P Newell, S Geall, K Mbeva, W Shen, A Ely
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2017
Solar PV and poverty alleviation in China: rhetoric and reality
S Geall, W Shen
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2017
China’s environmental journalists: a rainbow confusion’
S Geall
China and the Environment, New York: Zed, 15-39, 2013
Climate-change journalism in China: Opportunities for international cooperation
S Geall
International Media Support, 2011
Pathways towards renewable energy in China: prospects, politics and practices
F Urban, S Geall
STEPS Working Paper 70, Brighton: STEPS Centre, 2014
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