Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - David R. BadcockAflați mai multe
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Phase specific shape aftereffects explained by the tilt aftereffect.
VK Bowden, JE Dickinson, RJ Green, DR Badcock
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (7), 889, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Both harmful and (some) helpful behaviours from others are associated with increased expression of schizotypal traits
JC Badcock, K Panton, A Cohen, DR Badcock
Psychiatry Research 239, 308-314, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Disponibile undeva: 59
Visual search targeting either local or global perceptual processes differs as a function of autistic-like traits in the typically developing population
RA Almeida, JE Dickinson, MT Maybery, JC Badcock, DR Badcock
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 1272-1286, 2013
Mandate: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Training and the attentional blink: Limits overcome or expectations raised?
MF Tang, DR Badcock, TAW Visser
Psychonomic bulletin & review 21, 406-411, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Daily vision testing can expose the prodromal phase of migraine
AM McKendrick, YM Chan, AJ Vingrys, A Turpin, DR Badcock
Cephalalgia 38 (9), 1575-1584, 2018
Mandate: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Loneliness and schizotypy are distinct constructs, separate from general psychopathology
JC Badcock, E Barkus, AS Cohen, R Bucks, DR Badcock
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1018, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Detecting shape change: Characterizing the interaction between texture-defined and contour-defined borders
KWS Tan, JE Dickinson, DR Badcock
Journal of Vision 13 (14), 12-12, 2013
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Enhanced global integration of closed contours in individuals with high levels of autistic-like traits
RA Almeida, JE Dickinson, MT Maybery, JC Badcock, DR Badcock
Vision research 103, 109-115, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
On the hierarchical inheritance of aftereffects in the visual system
JE Dickinson, DR Badcock
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 472, 2013
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Temporal cues and the attentional blink: A further examination of the role of expectancy in sequential object perception
TAW Visser, MF Tang, DR Badcock, JT Enns
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 2212-2220, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
A metaanalysis of perceptual organization in schizophrenia, schizotypy, and other high-risk groups based on variants of the embedded figures task
KR Panton, DR Badcock, JC Badcock
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 237, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Tolerance for local and global differences in the integration of shape information
JE Dickinson, SJ Cribb, H Riddell, DR Badcock
Journal of Vision 15 (3), 21-21, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Using perceptual tasks to selectively measure magnocellular and parvocellular performance: Rationale and a user’s guide
M Edwards, SC Goodhew, DR Badcock
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 1029-1050, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The broad orientation dependence of the motion streak aftereffect reveals interactions between form and motion neurons
MF Tang, JE Dickinson, TAW Visser, DR Badcock
Journal of vision 15 (13), 4-4, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Relating excitatory and inhibitory neurochemicals to visual perception: A magnetic resonance study of occipital cortex between migraine events
YM Chan, K Pitchaimuthu, QZ Wu, OL Carter, GF Egan, DR Badcock, ...
PloS one 14 (7), e0208666, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Global processing of random-phase radial frequency patterns but not modulated lines
RJ Green, JE Dickinson, DR Badcock
Journal of Vision 17 (9), 18-18, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Visual search reveals a critical component to shape
JE Dickinson, K Haley, VK Bowden, DR Badcock
Journal of Vision 18 (2), 2-2, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Are participants aware of the type and intensity of transcranial direct current stimulation?
MF Tang, GR Hammond, DR Badcock
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148825, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
A neuroethics framework for the Australian brain initiative
A Carter, LJ Richards, D Apthorp, MR Azghadi, DR Badcock, B Balleine, ...
Neuron 101 (3), 365-369, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Convergent evidence for global processing of shape
RJ Green, JE Dickinson, DR Badcock
Journal of Vision 18 (7), 7-7, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
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