Thomas D. Cohen
Thomas D. Cohen
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe physics.umd.edu
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Citat de
QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives
N Brambilla, S Eidelman, P Foka, S Gardner, AS Kronfeld, MG Alford, ...
The European Physical Journal C 74 (10), 2981, 2014
Quark and gluon condensates in nuclear matter
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review C 45 (4), 1881, 1992
Functional integrals for QCD at nonzero chemical potential and zero density
TD Cohen
Physical review letters 91 (22), 222001, 2003
QCD sum rules and applications to nuclear physics
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel, X Jin
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 35, 221-298, 1995
From QCD sum rules to relativistic nuclear physics
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review Letters 67 (8), 961, 1991
pp→ pp π 0 reaction near threshold: A chiral power counting approach
TD Cohen, JL Friar, GA Miller, U Van Kolck
Physical Review C 53 (6), 2661, 1996
How short is too short? Constraining zero-range interactions in nucleon-nucleon scattering
DR Phillips, TD Cohen
Physics Letters B 390 (1-4), 7-12, 1997
Nonperturbative regularization and renormalization: Simple examples from nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
DR Phillips, SR Beane, TD Cohen
Annals of Physics 263 (2), 255-275, 1998
QCD sum rules for nucleons in nuclear matter II
X Jin, TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review C 47 (6), 2882, 1993
Chiral condensate in a constant electromagnetic field
TD Cohen, DA McGady, ES Werbos
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (5), 055201, 2007
Schwinger mechanism and graphene
D Allor, TD Cohen, DA McGady
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (9), 096009, 2008
Schwinger mechanism revisited
TD Cohen, DA McGady
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (3), 036008, 2008
Semiclassical projection of hedgehog models with quarks
TD Cohen, W Broniowski
Physical Review D 34 (11), 3472, 1986
The potential of effective field theory in NN scattering
SR Beane, TD Cohen, DR Phillips
Nuclear Physics A 632 (3), 445-469, 1998
QCD sum rules for nucleons in nuclear matter
RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel, TD Cohen
Physical Review C 46 (4), 1507, 1992
QCD inequalities, the high temperature phase of QCD, and U (1) A symmetry
TD Cohen
Physical Review D 54 (3), R1867, 1996
Bound on the speed of sound from holography
A Cherman, TD Cohen, A Nellore
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (6), 066003, 2009
Chiral condensate in holographic models of QCD
A Cherman, TD Cohen, ES Werbos
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 79 (4), 045203, 2009
Low energy theorems for nucleon-nucleon scattering
TD Cohen, JM Hansen
Physical Review C 59 (1), 13, 1999
Chiral multiplets versus parity doublets in highly excited baryons
TD Cohen, LY Glozman
Physical Review D 65 (1), 016006, 2001
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