Benjamin Feit
Citat de
Citat de
Assessing the resilience of biodiversity-driven functions in agroecosystems under environmental change
EA Martin, B Feit, F Requier, H Friberg, M Jonsson
Advances in ecological research 60, 59-123, 2019
Resilience of ecosystem processes: a new approach shows that functional redundancy of biological control services is reduced by landscape simplification
B Feit, N Blüthgen, M Traugott, M Jonsson
Ecology Letters, 2019
Apex Predators Decouple Population Dynamics Between Mesopredators and Their Prey
B Feit, A Feit, M Letnic
Ecosystems, 2019
Invasive cane toads might initiate cascades of direct and indirect effects in a terrestrial ecosystem
B Feit, CE Gordon, JK Webb, TS Jessop, SW Laffan, T Dempster, M Letnic
Biological Invasions 20, 1833-1847, 2018
A trophic cascade initiated by an invasive vertebrate alters the structure of native reptile communities
B Feit, T Dempster, TS Jessop, JK Webb, M Letnic
Global change biology 26 (5), 2829-2840, 2020
Landscape complexity promotes resilience of biological pest control to climate change
B Feit, N Blüthgen, E Daouti, C Straub, M Traugott, M Jonsson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1951), 20210547, 2021
Species level traits determine positive and negative population impacts of invasive cane toads on native squamates
B Feit, M Letnic
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 1017-1029, 2015
Harnessing nature-based solutions for smallholder plant health in a changing climate
PA Egan, D Chikoye, KK Green, M Tamò, B Feit, P Kumar, ...
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa, 2021
Invasive cane toads’ predatory impact on dung beetles is mediated by reservoir type at artificial water points
B Feit, T Dempster, H Gibb, M Letnic
Ecosystems 18, 826-838, 2015
Climate change and ecological intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa–A systems approach to predict maize yield under push-pull technology
N Alexandridis, B Feit, J Kihara, T Luttermoser, W May, C Midega, I Öborn, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 352, 108511, 2023
Agricultural management intensity determines the strength of weed seed predation
E Daouti, B Feit, M Jonsson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 339, 108132, 2022
Interactions between corticosterone phenotype, environmental stressor pervasiveness and irruptive movement-related survival in the cane toad
TS Jessop, J Webb, T Dempster, B Feit, M Letnic
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (24), jeb187930, 2018
The crest-tailed mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) in the south-eastern Strzelecki Desert
M Letnic, A Feit, C Mills, B Feit
Australian Mammalogy 38 (2), 241-245, 2016
Functional redundancy of weed seed predation is reduced by intensified agriculture
E Daouti, V Neidel, B Carbonne, H Vašková, M Traugott, C Wallinger, ...
Ecology Letters 27 (4), e14411, 2024
Negative frequency dependent prey selection by two canid predators and its implications for the conservation of a threatened rodent in arid Australia
EL Sheldon, B Feit, A Feit, M Letnic
Biodiversity and Conservation 32 (5), 1671-1686, 2023
Can natural enemy diversity ensure stable biological control in the future?
M Jonsson, B Feit, N Bluethgen, C Straub
ECCB2018: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 12th-15th of June …, 2018
The potential function of individual signal frequency for masking avoidance in the greater bulldog bat Noctilio leporinus
B Feit, K Übernickel, M Tschapka, EKV Kalko
Chiroptera Neotropical 19 (3), 71-79, 2014
Data for: Functional redundancy of weed seed predation is reduced by intensified agriculture
E Daouti, V Neidel, B Carbonne, H Vašková, M Traugott, C Wallinger, ...
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, 2024
Functional redundancy of weed seed predation is reduced by intensified agriculture
E Lamprini Daouti, E Daouti, R Bommarco, B Feit, S Vasconcelos, ...
Can Water Exclusion Limit the Ecological Impacts of Invasive Cane Toads?
B Feit
PQDT-Global, 2015
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