Stefan Weltge
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Citat de
Three enhancements for optimization-based bound tightening
AM Gleixner, T Berthold, B Müller, S Weltge
Journal of Global Optimization 67 (4), 731-757, 2017
A short proof that the extension complexity of the correlation polytope grows exponentially
V Kaibel, S Weltge
Discrete & Computational Geometry 53, 397-401, 2015
Lower bounds on the sizes of integer programs without additional variables
V Kaibel, S Weltge
Mathematical Programming 154 (1), 407-425, 2015
Notions of maximality for integral lattice-free polyhedra: the case of dimension three
G Averkov, J Krümpelmann, S Weltge
Mathematics of Operations Research 42 (4), 1035-1062, 2017
Distances between optimal solutions of mixed-integer programs
J Paat, R Weismantel, S Weltge
Mathematical Programming 179 (1), 455-468, 2020
Sizes of linear descriptions in combinatorial optimization
S Weltge
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik, 2015
Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row
S Fiorini, G Joret, S Weltge, Y Yuditsky
Journal of the ACM 72 (1), 1-50, 2025
Subgraph polytopes and independence polytopes of count matroids
M Conforti, V Kaibel, M Walter, S Weltge
Operations research letters 43 (5), 457-460, 2015
Strengthening convex relaxations of 0/1-sets using Boolean formulas
S Fiorini, T Huynh, S Weltge
Mathematical programming 190 (1), 467-482, 2021
The stable set problem in graphs with bounded genus and bounded odd cycle packing number
M Conforti, S Fiorini, T Huynh, G Joret, S Weltge
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2020
Extended formulations for stable set polytopes of graphs without two disjoint odd cycles
M Conforti, S Fiorini, T Huynh, S Weltge
International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial …, 2020
Lifting linear extension complexity bounds to the mixed-integer setting
A Cevallos, S Weltge, R Zenklusen
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2018
Learning and propagating Lagrangian variable bounds for mixed-integer nonlinear programming
AM Gleixner, S Weltge
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for …, 2013
Tight bounds on discrete quantitative Helly numbers
G Averkov, BG Merino, I Paschke, M Schymura, S Weltge
Advances in Applied Mathematics 89, 76-101, 2017
Optimality certificates for convex minimization and Helly numbers
A Basu, M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, R Weismantel, S Weltge
Operations Research Letters 45 (6), 671-674, 2017
Extended formulations for independence polytopes of regular matroids
V Kaibel, J Lee, M Walter, S Weltge
Graphs and combinatorics 32, 1931-1944, 2016
Hidden vertices in extensions of polytopes
K Pashkovich, S Weltge
Operations Research Letters 43 (2), 161-164, 2015
Maximum semidefinite and linear extension complexity of families of polytopes
G Averkov, V Kaibel, S Weltge
Mathematical Programming 167, 381-394, 2018
A simple method for convex optimization in the oracle model
D Dadush, C Hojny, S Huiberts, S Weltge
Mathematical Programming 206 (1), 283-304, 2024
Computing the extension complexities of all 4-dimensional 0/1-polytopes
M Oelze, A Vandaele, S Weltge
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.4895, 2014
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