Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Rafael Torrubia-Beltri or Torrubia R or Beltri R TAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 8
No effect of trait anxiety on differential fear conditioning or fear generalization
D Torrents-Rodas, MA Fullana, A Bonillo, X Caseras, O Andión, ...
Biological psychology 92 (2), 185-190, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Exploring the relationship between reward and punishment sensitivity and gambling disorder in a clinical sample: A path modeling analysis
S Jimenez-Murcia, F Fernandez-Aranda, G Mestre-Bach, R Granero, ...
Journal of Gambling Studies 33, 579-597, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Neonatal handling enduringly decreases anxiety and stress responses and reduces hippocampus and amygdala volume in a genetic model of differential anxiety: behavioral …
C Río-Álamos, I Oliveras, MA Piludu, C Gerbolés, T Cañete, G Blázquez, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 27 (2), 146-158, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Volumetric brain differences between the Roman rat strains: Neonatal handling effects, sensorimotor gating and working memory
C Río-Álamos, MA Piludu, C Gerbolés, D Barroso, I Oliveras, ...
Behavioural brain research 361, 74-85, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Testing the temporal stability of individual differences in the acquisition and generalization of fear
D Torrents‐Rodas, MA Fullana, A Bonillo, O Andión, B Molinuevo, ...
Psychophysiology 51 (7), 697-705, 2014
Mandate: UK Medical Research Council, Government of Spain
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory in 3-to 12-year-old Spanish children
B Molinuevo, A Bonillo, H Andershed, OF Colins, R Torrubia, E Romero
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental profiles of a heuristic genetic model of differential schizophrenia-and addiction-relevant features: The RHA vs. RLA rats
A Fernández-Teruel, I Oliveras, T Cañete, C Rio-Álamos, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 131, 597-617, 2021
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Propiedades psicometricas de la version española del autoinforme Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+(PDQ-4+) en pacientes psiquiatricos ambulatorios.
N Calvo, F Gutiérrez, Ó Andión, X Caseras, R Torrubia, M Casas
Psicothema 24 (1), 156-161, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Disponibile undeva: 26
Conditioned fear acquisition and generalization in generalized anxiety disorder
D Tinoco-González, MA Fullana, D Torrents-Rodas, A Bonillo, B Vervliet, ...
Behavior therapy 46 (5), 627-639, 2015
Mandate: Government of Spain
Anatomical and functional overlap within the insula and anterior cingulate cortex during interoception and phobic symptom provocation
X Caseras, K Murphy, D Mataix‐Cols, M López‐Solà, C Soriano‐Mas, ...
Human brain mapping 34 (5), 1220-1229, 2013
Mandate: UK Medical Research Council, Government of Spain
Orbitofrontal overactivation in reward processing in borderline personality disorder: the role of non-suicidal self-injury
D Vega, P Ripollés, À Soto, R Torrubia, J Ribas, JA Monreal, JC Pascual, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 12 (1), 217-228, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Psychometric analysis of the Catalan version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) in a community sample
B Molinuevo, Y Pardo, R Torrubia
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 14 (2), 944-955, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Negative reward expectations in Borderline Personality Disorder patients: Neurophysiological evidence
D Vega, À Soto, JL Amengual, J Ribas, R Torrubia, A Rodríguez-Fornells, ...
Biological Psychology 94 (2), 388-396, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the self-report Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+(PDQ-4+) in psychiatric outpatients
N Calvo, F Gutiérrez, X Caseras, R Torrubia, M Casas
Psicothema, 156-160, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Metacognition of daily self-regulation processes and personality traits in borderline personality disorder
D Vega, R Torrubia, J Marco-Pallarés, A Soto, A Rodriguez-Fornells
Journal of affective disorders 267, 243-250, 2020
Mandate: Government of Spain
Acquisition and generalization of fear conditioning are not modulated by the BDNF‐val66met polymorphism in humans
D Torrents‐Rodas, MA Fullana, B Arias, A Bonillo, X Caseras, O Andión, ...
Psychophysiology 49 (5), 713-719, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Conditioned subjective responses to socially relevant stimuli in social anxiety disorder and subclinical social anxiety
D Tinoco‐González, MA Fullana, D Torrents‐Rodas, A Bonillo, B Vervliet, ...
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 22 (3), 221-231, 2015
Mandate: Government of Spain
How temperament and character affect our career, relationships, and mental health
F Gutiérrez, M Gárriz, JM Peri, G Vall, R Torrubia
Comprehensive Psychiatry 70, 181-189, 2016
Mandate: Government of Spain
Testing the reinforcement sensitivity theory in borderline personality disorder compared with major depression and healthy controls
J Soler, D Vega, M Elices, A Feliu-Soler, À Soto, A Martín-Blanco, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 61, 43-46, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Personality disorders are not as we thought: Hierarchical factor structure at the criterion level
A Muñoz-Champel, F Gutiérrez, JM Peri, R Torrubia
Journal of Personality Assessment 100 (1), 16-29, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
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