Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Daniel TubbenhauerAflați mai multe
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Super -Howe duality and web categories
D Tubbenhauer, P Vaz, P Wedrich
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17 (6), 3703-3749, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation, UK …
Functoriality of colored link homologies
M Ehrig, D Tubbenhauer, P Wedrich
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 117 (5), 996-1040, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
The sl_3 web algebra
M Mackaay, W Pan, D Tubbenhauer
Math. Z. 277 (1-2), 401-479, 2012
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Webs and 𝑞-Howe dualities in types 𝐁𝐂𝐃
A Sartori, D Tubbenhauer
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (10), 7387-7431, 2018
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Symmetric webs, Jones-Wenzl recursions and -Howe duality
DEV Rose, D Tubbenhauer
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2016 (17), 5249-5290, 2015
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Diagram categories for -tilting modules at roots of unity
HH Andersen, D Tubbenhauer
Transform. Groups 22 (1), 29-89, 2014
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Simple transitive 2-representations via (co) algebra 1-morphisms
M Mackaay, V Mazorchuk, V Miemietz, D Tubbenhauer
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 68 (1), 1-33, 2016
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Two-color Soergel calculus and simple transitive 2-representations
M Mackaay, D Tubbenhauer
Canad. J. Math. 71 (2019), no. 6, 1523-1566, 2016
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Semisimplicity of Hecke and (walled) Brauer algebras
HH Andersen, C Stroppel, D Tubbenhauer
J. Aust. Math. Soc. 103 (1), 1-44, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation
Virtual Khovanov homology using cobordisms
D Tubbenhauer
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 23 (09), 1450046, 2014
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Quivers for 𝑆𝐿₂ tilting modules
D Tubbenhauer, P Wedrich
Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society 25 (15), 440-480, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Finitary birepresentations of finitary bicategories
M Mackaay, V Mazorchuk, V Miemietz, D Tubbenhauer, X Zhang
Forum Math. 33 (5), 1261-1320, 2020
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Swedish Research Council …
gln-webs, categorification and Khovanov-Rozansky homologies
D Tubbenhauer
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 29 (11), 2050074, 2020
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Algebraic properties of zigzag algebras
M Ehrig, D Tubbenhauer
Comm. Algebra 48 (1), 11-36, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Cellularity and subdivision of KLR and weighted KLRW algebras
A Mathas, D Tubbenhauer
Math. Ann. 389, 3043-3122, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Sandwich cellularity and a version of cell theory
D Tubbenhauer
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 54 (6), 1733-1773, (December 2024), 2022
Mandate: Australian Research Council
HOMFLYPT homology for links in handlebodies via type A Soergel bimodules
DEV Rose, D Tubbenhauer
Quantum Topol. 12 (2), 373-410, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Monoidal categories, representation gap and cryptography
M Khovanov, M Sitaraman, D Tubbenhauer
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 11 (2024), 329-395, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
Handlebody diagram algebras
D Tubbenhauer, P Vaz
Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 39 (3), 845-896, 2021
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Singular TQFTs, foams and type D arc algebras
M Ehrig, D Tubbenhauer, A Wilbert
Doc. Math. 24, 1585-1655, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
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