Andrea Ordanini
Andrea Ordanini
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Citat de
Crowd‐funding: transforming customers into investors through innovative service platforms
A Ordanini, L Miceli, M Pizzetti, A Parasuraman
Journal of service management 22 (4), 443-470, 2011
Service innovation viewed through a service-dominant logic lens: a conceptual framework and empirical analysis
A Ordanini, A Parasuraman
Journal of Service Research 14 (1), 3-23, 2011
When the recipe is more important than the ingredients: A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of service innovation configurations
A Ordanini, A Parasuraman, G Rubera
Journal of service research 17 (2), 134-149, 2014
Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA)
A Ordanini, P Pasini
European management journal 26 (5), 289-297, 2008
Measuring the digital divide: a framework for the analysis of cross-country differences
N Corrocher, A Ordanini
Journal of Information technology 17, 9-19, 2002
The many moods of inter‐organizational imitation: A critical review
A Ordanini, G Rubera, R DeFillippi
International Journal of Management Reviews 10 (4), 375-398, 2008
The concept of authenticity: What it means to consumers
JC Nunes, A Ordanini, G Giambastiani
Journal of Marketing 85 (4), 1-20, 2021
Consumption patterns, digital technology and music downloading
L Molteni, A Ordanini
Long range planning 36 (4), 389-406, 2003
Open innovation, product portfolio innovativeness and firm performance: the dual role of new product development capabilities
G Rubera, D Chandrasekaran, A Ordanini
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 44, 166-184, 2016
Market orientation, internal process, and external network: A qualitative comparative analysis of key decisional alternatives in the new service development
A Ordanini, PP Maglio
Decision Sciences 40 (3), 601-625, 2009
How does the application of an IT service innovation affect firm performance? A theoretical framework and empirical analysis on e-commerce
A Ordanini, G Rubera
Information & Management 47 (1), 60-67, 2010
Strategic capabilities and internet resources in procurement: A resource‐based view of B‐to‐B buying process
A Ordanini, G Rubera
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (1), 27-52, 2008
The power of repetition: Repetitive lyrics in a song increase processing fluency and drive market success
JC Nunes, A Ordanini, F Valsesia
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (2), 187-199, 2015
Recruitment and selection services: Efficiency and competitive reasons in the outsourcing of HR practices
A Ordanini, G Silvestri
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (2), 372-391, 2008
Infomediation and competitive advantage in B2B digital marketplaces
A Ordanini, A Pol
European Management Journal 19 (3), 276-285, 2001
Incorporating cultural values for understanding the influence of perceived product creativity on intention to buy: An examination in Italy and the US
G Rubera, A Ordanini, DA Griffith
Journal of International Business Studies 42, 459-476, 2011
Challenging the orthodoxy of value co-creation theory: A contingent view of co-production in design-intensive business services
M Lehrer, A Ordanini, R DeFillippi, M Miozzo
European Management Journal 30 (6), 499-509, 2012
Don’t just fix it, make it better! Using frontline service employees to improve recovery performance
GAH Van der Heijden, JJL Schepers, EJ Nijssen, A Ordanini
Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 41, 515-530, 2013
Broadband divide among SMEs: The role of size, location and outsourcing strategies
A Arbore, A Ordanini
International Small Business Journal 24 (1), 83-99, 2006
When service customers do not consume in isolation: a typology of customer copresence influence modes (CCIMs)
L Colm, A Ordanini, A Parasuraman
Journal of Service Research 20 (3), 223-239, 2017
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