Interdependency, beliefs, and coalition behavior: A contribution to the advocacy coalition framework M Fenger, PJ Klok Policy sciences 34 (2), 157-170, 2001 | 232 | 2001 |
Fundamentals for a theory of policy instruments H Bressers, PJ Klok International journal of social economics 15 (3/4), 22-41, 1988 | 213 | 1988 |
Citizens’ initiatives: How local governments fill their facilitative role J Bakker, B Denters, M Oude Vrielink, PJ Klok Local government studies 38 (4), 395-414, 2012 | 177 | 2012 |
Local councillors in Europe B Egner, D Sweeting, PJ Klok Springer VS, 2013 | 126 | 2013 |
Rebuilding Roombeek: patterns of citizen participation in urban governance B Denters, PJ Klok Urban affairs review 45 (5), 583-607, 2010 | 96 | 2010 |
The Netherlands: in search of responsiveness B Denters, PJ Klok Comparing local governance: Trends and developments, 65-82, 2005 | 87 | 2005 |
Burgers als beleidsadviseurs J Edelenbos, PJ Klok, J van Tatenhove, A Domingo | 85 | 2006 |
The institutional embedding of interactive policy making: insights from a comparative research based on eight interactive projects in the Netherlands J Edelenbos, PJ Klok, J Van Tatenhove The American Review of Public Administration 39 (2), 125-148, 2009 | 81 | 2009 |
The rise of interactive governance and quasi-markets SA Denters, O van Heffen, J Huisman, PJ Klok Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 75 | 2013 |
Intermunicipal cooperation in the Netherlands: The costs and the effectiveness of polycentric regional governance PJ Klok, B Denters, M Boogers, M Sanders Public administration review 78 (4), 527-536, 2018 | 72 | 2018 |
Power and interactive policy‐making: a comparative study of power and influence in 8 interactive projects in The Netherlands J Van Tatenhove, J Edelenbos, PJAN KLOK Public Administration 88 (3), 609-626, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Citizen democracy and the responsiveness of councillors: The effects of democratic institutionalisation on the role orientations and role behaviour of councillors B Denters, PJ Klok The Changing Context of Local Democracy, 29-48, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
Welke burger telt mee (r) in de doe-democratie? J Bakker, B Denters, PJ Klok B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij 38 (4), 402-418, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
A classification of instruments for environmental policy PJ Klok Environmental policy in search of new instruments, 21-36, 1995 | 56 | 1995 |
Een instrumententheorie voor milieubeleid PJ Klok De toepassing en effectiviteit van beleidsinstrumenten, dissertatie, Enschede, 1991 | 53* | 1991 |
Convenanten als instrument van milieubeleid PJ Klok Covenants as an environmental policy instrument), Enschede: Universiteit Twente, 1989 | 43* | 1989 |
Public sector innovation and local leadership in the UK and the Netherlands R Hambleton, J Howard | 42 | 2012 |
Strengthening the councillor as a representative and scrutiniser: the effects of institutional change on councillors' role orientations in the Netherlands M De Groot, B Denters, PJ Klok Local Government Studies 36 (3), 401-423, 2010 | 42* | 2010 |
Institutionalism: state models and policy processes O Van Heffen, PJ Klok Governance in modern society: effects, change and formation of government …, 2000 | 40 | 2000 |
Effecten van regionaal bestuur voor gemeenten M Boogers, PJ Klok, B Denters, M Sanders, M Linnenbank Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |