Maria Moundridou
Maria Moundridou
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education - ASPETE
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Evaluating the persona effect of an interface agent in a tutoring system
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Journal of computer assisted learning 18 (3), 253-261, 2002
Analysis and design of a web-based authoring tool generating intelligent tutoring systems
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Computers & Education 40 (2), 157-181, 2003
A web-based authoring tool for algebra-related intelligent tutoring systems
M Virvou, M Moundridou
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 3 (2), 61-70, 2000
Adding an instructor modelling component to the architecture of ITS authoring tools
M Virvou, M Moundridou
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 12 (2), 185-211, 2001
Student and instructor models: two kinds of user model and their interaction in an ITS authoring tool
M Virvou, M Moundridou
User Modeling 2001: 8th International Conference, UM 2001 Sonthofen, Germany …, 2001
Using LEGO Mindstorms as an instructional aid in technical and vocational secondary education: Experiences from an empirical case study
M Moundridou, A Kalinoglou
Times of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts: Third European …, 2008
Authoring and delivering adaptive Web-based textbooks using WEAR
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2001
Learning mathematics with large language models: A comparative study with computer algebra systems and other tools
N Matzakos, S Doukakis, M Moundridou
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 18 (20), 51-71, 2023
Authoring intelligent tutoring systems over the world wide web
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Proceedings First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems 1, 160-165, 2002
Generative AI tools as educators’ assistants: Designing and implementing inquiry-based lesson plans
M Moundridou, N Matzakos, S Doukakis
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 7, 100277, 2024
Modelling the instructor in a Web-based authoring tool for Algebra-related ITSs
M Virvou, M Moundridou
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 635-644, 2000
Gamification in online discussions: How do game elements affect critical thinking?
M Tzelepi, K Makri, I Petroulis, M Moundridou, K Papanikolaou
2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2020
An authoring tool for algebra-related domains.
M Virvou, M Moundridou
HCI (2), 647-651, 1999
Collaboratively developing open educational resources for engineering educators in Slidewiki
M Moundridou, E Zalavra, K Papanikolaou, A Tripiniotis
International Association of Online Engineering 9 (2), 99-116, 2019
Evaluating the impact of interface agents in an intelligent tutoring systems authoring tool
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference with International participation …, 2001
A multimedia tool for teaching geometry at schools
N Alexandris, M Virvou, M Moundridou
Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 98, 1595-1597, 1998
Wear: a web-based authoring tool for building intelligent tutoring systems
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Proceedings of the 2nd Helenic Conference on AI, Companion volume …, 2002
Educating engineer educators on technology enhnaced learning based on TPACK
M Moundridou, KA Papanikolaou
2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1243-1250, 2017
Adaptive navigation support in a web-based software engineering course
M Virvou, V Tsiriga, M Moundridou
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology in Teaching …, 2001
Usability evaluation of a web-based authoring tool for building intelligent tutoring systems
M Moundridou, M Virvou
Proceedings of the 10 th International, 2003
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