Chuma Owuamalam
Chuma Owuamalam
Alte numeChuma Kevin Owuamalam
Department of Psychology, Durham University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe durham.ac.uk - Pagina de pornire
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On the psychological barriers to the workplace: When and why metastereotyping undermines employability beliefs of women and ethnic minorities.
CK Owuamalam, H Zagefka
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (4), 521-528, 2014
Downplaying a compromised social image: The effect of metastereotype valence on social identification
CK Owuamalam, H Zagefka
European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (4), 528-537, 2011
Revisiting 25 years of system motivation explanation for system justification from the perspective of social identity model of system attitudes
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears
British Journal of Social Psychology 58 (2), 362-381, 2019
Addressing evidential and theoretical inconsistencies in system justification theory with a social identity model of system attitudes
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears
Current Directions in Psychological Science 27 (2), 91–96, 2018
Why do people from low-status groups support class systems that disadvantage them? A test of two mainstream explanations in Malaysia and Australia
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears, MM Weerabangsa
Journal of Social Issues 73 (1), 80--98, 2017
Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries.
J Brandt, Mark, T Kuppens, R Spears, [...], CK Owuamalam, [...], ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (5), 921-942, 2020
Reactions to group devaluation and social inequality: A comparison of social identity and system justification predictions
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, C Issmer
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1188442, 2016
The effect of metastereotyping on judgements of higher-status outgroups when reciprocity and social image improvement motives collide.
CK Owuamalam, M Tarrant, CV Farrow, H Zagefka
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 45 (1), 12-23, 2013
The system justification conundrum: Re-examining the cognitive dissonance basis for system justification
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1889, 2016
System justification among the disadvantaged: A triadic social stratification perspective
L Caricati, CK Owuamalam
Frontiers in Psychology 11 (40), 2020
We'll never get past the glass ceiling! Meta‐stereotyping, world‐views and perceived relative group‐worth
C Owuamalam, H Zagefka
British Journal of Psychology 104 (4), 543-562, 2013
Why do members of disadvantaged groups strike back at perceived negativity towards the in‐group?
C Owuamalam, C Issmer, H Zagefka, M Klaßen, U Wagner
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 24 (3), 249-264, 2014
A social identity model of system attitudes (SIMSA): Multiple explanations of system justification by the disadvantaged that do not depend on a separate system justification …
M Rubin, CK Owuamalam, R Spears, L Caricati
European Review of Social Psychology, 2023
Is a system motive really necessary to explain the system justification effect? A response to Jost (2019) and Jost, Badaan, Goudarzi, Hoffarth, and Mogami (2019)
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears
British Journal of Social Psychology 58 (2), 393-409, 2019
Do humans possess an autonomous system justification motivation? A pupillometric test of the strong system justification thesis
CK Owuamalam, R Spears
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 86, 103897, 2020
Why do women support socio‐economic systems that favor men more? A registered test of system justification‐ and social identity‐inspired hope explanations
CK Owuamalam, L Caricati, M Rubin, AS Matos, R Spears
European Journal of Social Psychology 51 (7), 1073-1095, 2021
A critical review of the (un)conscious basis for system supporting attitudes of the disadvantaged
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin, R Spears
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 12 (11), e12419, 2018
Chubby but cheerful? Investigating the compensatory judgments of high, medium, and low status weight groups in Malaysia
CK Owuamalam, KX Wong, M Rubin
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1188441, 2016
When do low status groups help high status groups? The moderating effects of ingroup identification, audience group membership, and perceived reputational benefit
CK Owuamalam, M Rubin
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 2 (1), 289-312, 2014
Social identity explanations of system justification: Misconceptions, criticisms, and clarifications.
M Rubin, CK Owuamalam, R Spears, L Caricati
European Review of Social Psychology., 2023
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