Matteo Taiana
Matteo Taiana
Senior Robotics Engineer at Lab0
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe lab0.com
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The HDA+ data set for research on fully automated re-identification systems
D Figueira, M Taiana, A Nambiar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …, 2015
Tracking objects with generic calibrated sensors: An algorithm based on color and 3D shape features
M Taiana, J Santos, J Gaspar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino, P Lima
Robotics and autonomous systems 58 (6), 784-795, 2010
Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Maritime Operations: Challenges addressed in the scope of the SEAGULL project
MM Marques, P Dias, NP Santos, V Lobo, R Batista, D Salgueiro, ...
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-6, 2015
An improved labelling for the INRIA person data set for pedestrian detection
M Taiana, JC Nascimento, A Bernardino
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 6th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2013 …, 2013
A multi-camera video dataset for research on high-definition surveillance
A Nambiar, M Taiana, D Figueira, JC Nascimento, A Bernardino
International Journal of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing …, 2014
Sample-Based 3D Tracking of Colored Objects: A Flexible Architecture.
M Taiana, JC Nascimento, JA Gaspar, A Bernardino
BMVC, 1-10, 2008
3DSGrasp: 3D shape-completion for robotic grasp
SS Mohammadi, NF Duarte, D Dimou, Y Wang, M Taiana, P Morerio, ...
2023 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 3815-3822, 2023
3d tracking by catadioptric vision based on particle filters
M Taiana, J Gaspar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino, P Lima
Robot Soccer World Cup, 77-88, 2007
Predictive tracking across occlusions in the icub robot
E Falotico, M Taiana, D Zambrano, A Bernardino, J Santos-Victor, P Dario, ...
2009 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 486-491, 2009
On the purity of training and testing data for learning: The case of pedestrian detection
M Taiana, J Nascimento, A Bernardino
Neurocomputing 150, 214-226, 2015
3D key-points estimation from single-view RGB images
M Zohaib, M Taiana, MG Padalkar, A Del Bue
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 27-38, 2022
Towards fully automated person re-identification
M Taiana, D Figueira, A Nambiar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino
2014 International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications …, 2014
A window-based classifier for automatic video-based reidentification
D Figueira, M Taiana, JC Nascimento, A Bernardino
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (12), 1736-1747, 2016
PoserNet: Refining Relative Camera Poses Exploiting Object Detections
M Taiana, M Toso, S James, A Del Bue
Accepted for ICCV 2022, 2022
Color 3d model-based tracking with arbitrary projection models
M Taiana, J Santos, J Gaspar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino, P Lima
SIMPAR Omnidirectional Vision Workshop, 2008
Towards reconstruction of 3D shapes in a realistic environment
M Zohaib, M Taiana, AD Bue
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 3-14, 2022
On the use of perspective catadioptric sensors for 3d model-based tracking with particle filters
M Tajana, J Gaspar, J Nascimento, A Bernardino, P Lima
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Isocrob 2007 team description paper
H Costelha, N Ramos, J Estilita, J Santos, M Taiana, J Torres, T Antunes, ...
Instituto Superior Técnico, Tech. Rep, 2007
CDHN: cross-domain hallucination network for 3D keypoints estimation
M Zohaib, MG Padalkar, P Morerio, M Taiana, A Del Bue
Pattern Recognition 160, 111188, 2025
You are here! finding position and orientation on a 2d map from a single image: The flatlandia localization problem and dataset
M Toso, M Taiana, S James, A Del Bue
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.06373 2 (3), 5, 2023
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