Bisrat Agegnehu Misganaw
Bisrat Agegnehu Misganaw
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Citat de
Are there financial benefits to join RoSCAs? Empirical evidence from Equb in Ethiopia
A Bisrat, karantininis kostas, F Li
Procedia Economics and Finance 1, 229-238, 2012
Liability of informality and firm participation in global value chains
A Colovic, BA Misganaw, DZ Assefa
Journal of World Business 57 (1), 101279, 2022
Unpacking the negative impact of initial informality on innovation: The mediating roles of investments in R&D and employee training
DZ Assefa, CT Liao, BA Misganaw
Technovation 114, 102455, 2022
Technology transfer offices and the formation of academic spin-off entrepreneurial teams
BH Jevnaker, BA Misganaw
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 34 (9-10), 977-1000, 2022
Why we know what we know about entrepreneurial teams? Unlocking implicit assumptions in entrepreneurial team research
BA Misganaw
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 33 (3), 354-379, 2018
Why do members join indigenous informal financial institutions-RoSCAs? An empirical evidence from equbs in Ethiopia
B Agegnehu
Unpublished Master thesis, Swedish University. Sweden, 2012
Firm Size, Firm Age And Business Model Innovation In Response To A Crisis: Evidence From 12 Countries
DZ Assefa, A Colovic, BA Misganaw
International Journal of Innovation Management 26 (07), 2250054, 2022
Is starting and staying unregistered longer beneficial for firms? The moderating role of institutional quality
BA Misganaw, DZ Assefa, A Colovic
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 29 (2), 433-458, 2023
Entrepreneurial team formation, task allocation in new ventures and the theory of imprinting
BA Misganaw
Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 26-42, 2022
Introduction to Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Studies
B Callegari, BA Misganaw, S Sardo
Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1-24, 2022
Paved with good intentions: From digitalization to carbon neutrality
B Callegari, BA Misganaw, M Bagherzadeh
Journal of Environmental Management 370, 122956, 2024
Everything and nothing: A critical review of the “social” in Innovation and Entrepreneurship studies
S Sardo, B Callegari, BA Misganaw
NOvation 4, 63, 2023
Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
B Callegari, BA Misganaw, S Sardo
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
Unpacking the Negative Impact of Initial Informality on Innovation: The Roles of R&D and Training
D Assefa, CT Liao, B Misganaw
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 11013, 2021
Is Starting Unregistered Beneficial for Firms? The Moderating Role of Institutional Context
D Assefa, B Misganaw, A Colovic
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17683, 2020
On entrepreneurial teams and their formation in science-based industries
BA Misganaw
BI Norwegian Business School, 2018
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