Nigel Wright
Nigel Wright
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The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste
E Papargyropoulou, R Lozano, JK Steinberger, N Wright, Z bin Ujang
Journal of cleaner production 76, 106-115, 2014
A flood vulnerability index for coastal cities and its use in assessing climate change impacts
SF Balica, NG Wright, F Van der Meulen
Natural hazards 64, 73-105, 2012
Recommendations on the use of CFD in predicting pedestrian wind environment
J Franke, C Hirsch, AG Jensen, HW Krüs, M Schatzmann, PS Westbury, ...
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Submitted, 2004
On the use of the k–ε model in commercial CFD software to model the neutral atmospheric boundary layer
DM Hargreaves, NG Wright
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 95 (5), 355-369, 2007
Civil Engineers Water Management 161 February 2008 Issue WM1
UK Skipton, U IHE, D Liang, RA Falconer, B Lin, S Waller, AJ Crossley, ...
Flood vulnerability indices at varying spatial scales.
SF Balica, N Douben, NG Wright
Water science and technology 60 (10), 2571-2580, 2009
Conceptual framework for the study of food waste generation and prevention in the hospitality sector
E Papargyropoulou, N Wright, R Lozano, J Steinberger, R Padfield, ...
Waste management 49, 326-336, 2016
Parametric and physically based modelling techniques for flood risk and vulnerability assessment: A comparison
SF Balica, I Popescu, L Beevers, NG Wright
Environmental modelling & software 41, 84-92, 2013
An unstructured finite-volume algorithm for predicting flow in rivers and estuaries
PA Sleigh, PH Gaskell, M Berzins, NG Wright
Computers & Fluids 27 (4), 479-508, 1998
How much physical complexity is needed to model flood inundation?
J Neal, I Villanueva, N Wright, T Willis, T Fewtrell, P Bates
Hydrological Processes 26 (15), 2264-2282, 2012
Unstructured mesh generation and landcover-based resistance for hydrodynamic modeling of urban flooding
JE Schubert, BF Sanders, MJ Smith, NG Wright
Advances in Water Resources 31 (12), 1603-1621, 2008
Reducing the complexity of the flood vulnerability index
S Balica, NG Wright
Environmental hazards 9 (4), 321-339, 2010
The concept of roughness in fluvial hydraulics and its formulation in 1D, 2D and 3D numerical simulation models
H Morvan, D Knight, N Wright, X Tang, A Crossley
Journal of Hydraulic Research 46 (2), 191-208, 2008
Patterns and causes of food waste in the hospitality and food service sector: Food waste prevention insights from Malaysia
E Papargyropoulou, JK Steinberger, N Wright, R Lozano, R Padfield, ...
Sustainability 11 (21), 6016, 2019
The slipstream and wake of a high-speed train
CJ Baker, SJ Dalley, T Johnson, A Quinn, NG Wright
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2001
A comparison of three parallelisation methods for 2D flood inundation models
JC Neal, TJ Fewtrell, PD Bates, NG Wright
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (4), 398-411, 2010
A coupled SPH-DEM model for fluid-structure interaction problems with free-surface flow and structural failure
K Wu, D Yang, N Wright
Computers & Structures 177, 141-161, 2016
Search for an excess of electron neutrino interactions in MicroBooNE using multiple final-state topologies
P Abratenko, R An, J Anthony, L Arellano, J Asaadi, A Ashkenazi, ...
Physical review letters 128 (24), 241801, 2022
Unsteady 1D and 2D hydraulic models with ice dam break for Quaternary megaflood, Altai Mountains, southern Siberia
P Carling, I Villanueva, J Herget, N Wright, P Borodavko, H Morvan
Global and Planetary Change 70 (1-4), 24-34, 2010
Non-linear k–ε turbulence model results for flow over a building at full-scale
NG Wright, GJ Easom
Applied Mathematical Modelling 27 (12), 1013-1033, 2003
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