Clara Martin
Clara Martin
BCBL - Ikerbasque
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Bilinguals reading in their second language do not predict upcoming words as native readers do
CD Martin, G Thierry, JR Kuipers, B Boutonnet, A Foucart, A Costa
Journal of Memory and Language 69 (4), 574-588, 2013
Controlling for interstimulus perceptual variance abolishes N170 face selectivity
G Thierry, CD Martin, P Downing, AJ Pegna
Nature neuroscience 10 (4), 505-511, 2007
The time course of word retrieval revealed by event-related brain potentials during overt speech
A Costa, K Strijkers, C Martin, G Thierry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (50), 21442-21446, 2009
Where is the bilingual advantage in task-switching?
M Hernández, CD Martin, F Barceló, A Costa
Journal of Memory and Language 69 (3), 257-276, 2013
Can bilinguals see it coming? Word anticipation in L2 sentence reading.
A Foucart, CD Martin, EM Moreno, A Costa
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40 (5), 1461, 2014
Brain potentials reveal semantic priming in both the ‘active’and the ‘non-attended’language of early bilinguals
CD Martin, B Dering, EM Thomas, G Thierry
NeuroImage 47 (1), 326-333, 2009
Reconciling phonological neighborhood effects in speech production through single trial analysis
J Sadat, CD Martin, A Costa, FX Alario
Cognitive psychology 68, 33-58, 2014
Face-sensitive processes one hundred milliseconds after picture onset
B Dering, CD Martin, S Moro, AJ Pegna, G Thierry
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 93, 2011
Prediction is Production: The missing link between language production and comprehension
CD Martin, FM Branzi, M Bar
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1079, 2018
Processing changes when listening to foreign-accented speech
C Romero-Rivas, CD Martin, A Costa
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 167, 2015
The after-effects of bilingual language production
FM Branzi, CD Martin, J Abutalebi, A Costa
Neuropsychologia 52, 102-116, 2014
Bilinguals use language-control brain areas more than monolinguals to perform non-linguistic switching tasks
A Rodríguez-Pujadas, A Sanjuán, N Ventura-Campos, P Román, C Martin, ...
PLoS One 8 (9), e73028, 2013
The impact of early bilingualism on controlling a language learned late: an ERP study
CD Martin, K Strijkers, M Santesteban, C Escera, RJ Hartsuiker, A Costa
Frontiers in psychology 4, 815, 2013
How Shakespeare tempests the brain: Neuroimaging insights
JL Keidel, PM Davis, V Gonzalez-Diaz, CD Martin, G Thierry
Cortex 49 (4), 913-919, 2013
Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: an event-related potential study of the word superiority effect
CD Martin, T Nazir, G Thierry, Y Paulignan, JF Démonet
Brain research 1098 (1), 153-160, 2006
Characterizing the bilingual disadvantage in noun phrase production
J Sadat, CD Martin, FX Alario, A Costa
Journal of psycholinguistic research 41, 159-179, 2012
Foreign-accented speech modulates linguistic anticipatory processes
C Romero-Rivas, CD Martin, A Costa
Neuropsychologia 85, 245-255, 2016
Event-related potential characterisation of the Shakespearean functional shift in narrative sentence structure
G Thierry, CD Martin, V Gonzalez-Diaz, R Rezaie, N Roberts, PM Davis
Neuroimage 40 (2), 923-931, 2008
Can faces prime a language?
E Woumans, CD Martin, C Vanden Bulcke, E Van Assche, A Costa, ...
Psychological science 26 (9), 1343-1352, 2015
The proactive bilingual brain: Using interlocutor identity to generate predictions for language processing
CD Martin, M Molnar, M Carreiras
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26171, 2016
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