Slaughterhouse wastewater characteristics, treatment, and management in the meat processing industry: A review on trends and advances CF Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar Journal of environmental management 161, 287-302, 2015 | 523 | 2015 |
Recent developments, characteristics, and potential applications of electrochemical biosensors M Mehrvar, M Abdi Analytical sciences 20 (8), 1113-1126, 2004 | 371 | 2004 |
Fiber-optic biosensors-trends and advances M Mehrvar, C Bis, JM Scharer, M Moo-Young, JH Luong Analytical sciences 16 (7), 677-692, 2000 | 233 | 2000 |
An overview of the integration of advanced oxidation technologies and other processes for water and wastewater treatment M Mohajerani, M Mehrvar, F Ein-Mozaffari International Journal of Engineering 3 (2), 120-146, 2009 | 185 | 2009 |
Study of solid–liquid mixing in agitated tanks through electrical resistance tomography S Hosseini, D Patel, F Ein-Mozaffari, M Mehrvar Chemical Engineering Science 65 (4), 1374-1384, 2010 | 182 | 2010 |
Integration of advanced oxidation technologies and biological processes: recent developments, trends, and advances GB Tabrizi, M Mehrvar Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 39 (11-12), 3029-3081, 2004 | 179 | 2004 |
Slaughterhouse wastewater: treatment, management and resource recovery C Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar Physico-chemical wastewater treatment and resource recovery, 153-174, 2017 | 168 | 2017 |
Study of solid− liquid mixing in agitated tanks through computational fluid dynamics modeling S Hosseini, D Patel, F Ein-Mozaffari, M Mehrvar Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (9), 4426-4435, 2010 | 167 | 2010 |
Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment by combined anaerobic baffled reactor and UV/H2O2 processes W Cao, M Mehrvar Chemical Engineering Research and Design 89 (7), 1136-1143, 2011 | 160 | 2011 |
Health effects, environmental impacts, and photochemical degradation of selected surfactants in water SH Venhuis, M Mehrvar International Journal of photoenergy 6 (3), 115-125, 2004 | 141 | 2004 |
Enhancement of photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide using non-metal doping methods under visible light: a review M Nasirian, YP Lin, CF Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15, 2009-2032, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
Treatment of actual slaughterhouse wastewater by combined anaerobic–aerobic processes for biogas generation and removal of organics and nutrients: An optimization study towards … CF Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar Journal of cleaner production 141, 278-289, 2017 | 132 | 2017 |
Slaughterhouse wastewater characterization and treatment: an economic and public health necessity of the meat processing industry in Ontario, Canada C Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar, E Quiñones-Bolaños Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 4 (4), 175-186, 2016 | 130 | 2016 |
Cost-effectiveness analysis of TOC removal from slaughterhouse wastewater using combined anaerobic–aerobic and UV/H2O2 processes CF Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar, E Quiñones-Bolaños Journal of environmental management 134, 145-152, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
Photocatalytic efficiency of Fe2O3/TiO2 for the degradation of typical dyes in textile industries: effects of calcination temperature and UV-assisted thermal synthesis M Nasirian, CF Bustillo-Lecompte, M Mehrvar Journal of environmental management 196, 487-498, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous organic solvents in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavengers M Mehrvar, WA Anderson, M Moo-Young International Journal of photoenergy 3 (4), 187-191, 2001 | 118 | 2001 |
New advancements, challenges, and future needs on treatment of oilfield produced water: A state-of-the-art review S Ghafoori, M Omar, N Koutahzadeh, S Zendehboudi, RN Malhas, ... Separation and Purification Technology 289, 120652, 2022 | 102 | 2022 |
Sonophotolytic degradation of synthetic pharmaceutical wastewater: Statistical experimental design and modeling S Ghafoori, A Mowla, R Jahani, M Mehrvar, PK Chan Journal of environmental management 150, 128-137, 2015 | 99 | 2015 |
Photolytic treatment of organic constituents and bacterial pathogens in secondary effluent of synthetic slaughterhouse wastewater M Barrera, M Mehrvar, KA Gilbride, LH McCarthy, AE Laursen, V Bostan, ... Chemical Engineering Research and Design 90 (9), 1335-1350, 2012 | 98 | 2012 |
Photochemical treatment of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in aqueous solutions using advanced oxidation processes: towards a cleaner production in the … CF Bustillo-Lecompte, D Kakar, M Mehrvar Journal of Cleaner Production 186, 609-617, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |