Depletion of 13C in lignin and its implications for stable carbon isotope studies R Benner, ML Fogel, EK Sprague, RE Hodson Nature 329 (6141), 708-710, 1987 | 1259 | 1987 |
The effects of sample treatment and diagenesis on the isotopic integrity of carbonate in biogenic hydroxylapatite PL Koch, N Tuross, ML Fogel Journal of Archaeological Science 24 (5), 417-429, 1997 | 1163 | 1997 |
Isotope fractionation during primary production ML Fogel, LA Cifuentes Organic geochemistry: principles and applications, 73-98, 1993 | 704 | 1993 |
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry in the Delaware estuary LA Cifuentes, JH Sharp, ML Fogel Limnology and oceanography 33 (5), 1102-1115, 1988 | 673 | 1988 |
Nitrogen isotope tracers of human lactation in modern and archaeological populations ML Fogel In: Annual Report of the Director of the Geophysical Laboratory, Washington …, 1989 | 656 | 1989 |
Isotopic fractionation of nitrogen and carbon in the synthesis of amino acids by microorganisms SA Macko, ML Fogel, PE Hare, TC Hoering Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section 65 (1), 79-92, 1987 | 643 | 1987 |
The provenances of asteroids, and their contributions to the volatile inventories of the terrestrial planets CMOD Alexander, R Bowden, ML Fogel, KT Howard, CDK Herd, ... Science 337 (6095), 721-723, 2012 | 634 | 2012 |
The isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen in individual amino acids isolated from modern and fossil proteins PE Hare, ML Fogel, TW Stafford Jr, AD Mitchell, TC Hoering Journal of Archaeological Science 18 (3), 277-292, 1991 | 627 | 1991 |
The origin and evolution of chondrites recorded in the elemental and isotopic compositions of their macromolecular organic matter CMOD Alexander, M Fogel, H Yabuta, GD Cody Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (17), 4380-4403, 2007 | 613 | 2007 |
Photosynthetic fractionation of the stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon RD Guy, ML Fogel, JA Berry Plant Physiology 101 (1), 37-47, 1993 | 544 | 1993 |
Kinetic fractionation of stable nitrogen isotopes during amino acid transamination. SA Macko, MLF Estep, MH Engel, PE Hare Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 50, 2143-2146, 1986 | 520 | 1986 |
Ecosystem collapse in Pleistocene Australia and a human role in megafaunal extinction GH Miller, ML Fogel, JW Magee, MK Gagan, SJ Clarke, BJ Johnson Science 309 (5732), 287-290, 2005 | 472 | 2005 |
Extraterrestrial nucleobases in the Murchison meteorite Z Martins, O Botta, ML Fogel, MA Sephton, DP Glavin, JS Watson, ... Earth and planetary science Letters 270 (1-2), 130-136, 2008 | 470 | 2008 |
Microbial alteration of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of organic matter. SA Macko, MLF Estep Organic Geochemistry 6, 787-790, 1984 | 456 | 1984 |
Pleistocene extinction of Genyornis newtoni: human impact on Australian megafauna GH Miller, JW Magee, BJ Johnson, ML Fogel, NA Spooner, MT McCulloch, ... Science 283 (5399), 205-208, 1999 | 443 | 1999 |
Nitrogen-isotope compositions of metasedimentary rocks in the Catalina Schist, California: implications for metamorphic devolatilization history GE Bebout, ML Fogel Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (7), 2839-2849, 1992 | 408 | 1992 |
A food web analysis of the juvenile blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, using stable isotopes in whole animals and individual amino acids MS Fantle, AI Dittel, SM Schwalm, CE Epifanio, ML Fogel Oecologia 120, 416-426, 1999 | 389 | 1999 |
Unique meteorite from early Amazonian Mars: Water-rich basaltic breccia Northwest Africa 7034 CB Agee, NV Wilson, FM McCubbin, K Ziegler, VJ Polyak, ZD Sharp, ... Science 339 (6121), 780-785, 2013 | 384 | 2013 |
Using stable isotopes to investigate individual diet specialization in California sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) SD Newsome, MT Tinker, DH Monson, OT Oftedal, K Ralls, MM Staedler, ... Ecology 90 (4), 961-974, 2009 | 383 | 2009 |
Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes K PL Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science, 63-92, 1994 | 328 | 1994 |