Order–disorder transition and weak ferromagnetism in the perovskite metal formate frameworks of [(CH3) 2NH2][M (HCOO) 3] and [(CH3) 2ND2][M (HCOO) 3](M= Ni, Mn) M Mączka, A Gagor, B Macalik, A Pikul, M Ptak, J Hanuza
Inorganic Chemistry 53 (1), 457-467, 2014
198 2014 Methylhydrazinium lead bromide: noncentrosymmetric three-dimensional perovskite with exceptionally large framework distortion and green photoluminescence M Ma̧czka, M Ptak, A Ga̧gor, D Stefańska, JK Zareba, A Sieradzki
Chemistry of Materials 32 (4), 1667-1673, 2020
189 2020 Phase transitions and coexistence of magnetic and electric orders in the methylhydrazinium metal formate frameworks M Mączka, A Gagor, M Ptak, W Paraguassu, TA Da Silva, A Sieradzki, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (5), 2264-2275, 2017
153 2017 [Methylhydrazinium]2 PbBr4 , a Ferroelectric Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Perovskite with Multiple Nonlinear Optical Outputs M Mączka, JK Zareba, A Gagor, D Stefańska, M Ptak, K Roleder, ...
Chemistry of Materials 33 (7), 2331-2342, 2021
134 2021 Experimental and theoretical studies of structural phase transition in a novel polar perovskite-like [C 2 H 5 NH 3][Na 0.5 Fe 0.5 (HCOO) 3] formate M Ptak, M Mączka, A Gągor, A Sieradzki, A Stroppa, D Di Sante, ...
Dalton transactions 45 (6), 2574-2583, 2016
111 2016 Infrared and Raman studies of phase transitions in metal–organic frameworks of [(CH3) 2NH2][M (HCOO) 3] with M= Zn, Fe M Mączka, M Ptak, L Macalik
Vibrational Spectroscopy 71, 98-104, 2014
109 2014 Layered Lead Iodide of [Methylhydrazinium]2 PbI4 with a Reduced Band Gap: Thermochromic Luminescence and Switchable Dielectric Properties Triggered by … M Mączka, M Ptak, A Gągor, D Stefańska, A Sieradzki
Chemistry of Materials 31 (20), 8563-8575, 2019
99 2019 Temperature-dependent XRD, IR, magnetic, SEM and TEM studies of Jahn–Teller distorted NiCr2O4 powders M Ptak, M Maczka, A Gągor, A Pikul, L Macalik, J Hanuza
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 201, 270-279, 2013
94 2013 Structural alteration of collagen fibres–spectroscopic and mechanical studies M Gąsior-Głogowska, M Komorowska, J Hanuza, M Ptak, M Kobielarz
strain 19, 20, 2010
80 2010 Synthesis, phonon and optical properties of nanosized CoCr2O4 M Mączka, M Ptak, M Kurnatowska, J Hanuza
Materials Chemistry and Physics 138 (2-3), 682-688, 2013
79 2013 FT-Raman spectroscopic study of human skin subjected to uniaxial stress M Gąsior-Głogowska, M Komorowska, J Hanuza, M Mączka, A Zając, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 18, 240-252, 2013
64 2013 Effect of solvent, temperature and pressure on the stability of chiral and perovskite metal formate frameworks of [NH 2 NH 3][M (HCOO) 3](M= Mn, Fe, Zn) M Mączka, K Pasińska, M Ptak, W Paraguassu, TA da Silva, A Sieradzki, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (46), 31653-31663, 2016
60 2016 Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of two novel mixed-valence iron (II)–iron (III) metal formate frameworks M Mączka, A Ciupa, A Gągor, A Sieradzki, A Pikul, M Ptak
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (6), 1186-1193, 2016
57 2016 Temperature-dependent studies of [(CH 3) 2 NH 2][Fe III M II (HCOO) 6] frameworks (M II= Fe and Mg): structural, magnetic, dielectric and phonon properties A Ciupa, M Mączka, A Gągor, A Sieradzki, J Trzmiel, A Pikul, M Ptak
Dalton Transactions 44 (19), 8846-8854, 2015
57 2015 High-temperature thermal and X-ray diffraction studies, and room-temperature spectroscopic investigation of some inorganic pigments AV Knyazev, M Mączka, EN Bulanov, M Ptak, SS Belopolskaya
Dyes and Pigments 91 (3), 286-293, 2011
55 2011 Lattice dynamics and temperature-dependent Raman and infrared studies of multiferroic Mn Co WO and Mn Fe WO crystals M Maczka, M Ptak, K Hermanowicz, A Majchrowski, A Pikul, J Hanuza
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (17), 174439, 2011
54 2011 Polarized IR and Raman spectra of Ca2MgSi2O7, Ca2ZnSi2O7 and Sr2MgSi2O7 single crystals: Temperature-dependent studies of commensurate to incommensurate and incommensurate to … J Hanuza, M Ptak, M Mączka, K Hermanowicz, J Lorenc, AA Kaminskii
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 191, 90-101, 2012
53 2012 A new approach in the synthesis of La 1− x Gd x FeO 3 perovskite nanoparticles–structural and magnetic characterization RJ Wiglusz, K Kordek, M Małecka, A Ciupa, M Ptak, R Pazik, P Pohl, ...
Dalton Transactions 44 (46), 20067-20074, 2015
52 2015 Molecular spectroscopy of hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites and related compounds M Ptak, A Sieradzki, M Šimėnas, M Maczka
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 448, 214180, 2021
50 2021 Raman and IR Studies of Pressure- and Temperature-Induced Phase Transitions in [(CH2 )3 NH2 ][Zn(HCOO)3 ] M Mączka, TA Da Silva, W Paraguassu, M Ptak, K Hermanowicz
Inorganic Chemistry 53 (23), 12650-12657, 2014
50 2014