Wallace Cowling
Wallace Cowling
Professor, The UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uwa.edu.au - Pagina de pornire
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Neglecting legumes has compromised human health and sustainable food production
CH Foyer, HM Lam, HT Nguyen, KHM Siddique, RK Varshney, TD Colmer, ...
Nature plants 2 (8), 1-10, 2016
The Brassica napus blackleg resistance gene LepR3 encodes a receptor‐like protein triggered by the Leptosphaeria maculans effector AVRLM1
NJ Larkan, DJ Lydiate, IAP Parkin, MN Nelson, DJ Epp, WA Cowling, ...
New Phytologist 197 (2), 595-605, 2013
Genetic diversity in Australian canola and implications for crop breeding for changing future environments
WA Cowling
Field Crops Research 104 (1-3), 103-111, 2007
A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes
RK Varshney, M Roorkiwal, S Sun, P Bajaj, A Chitikineni, M Thudi, ...
Nature 599 (7886), 622-627, 2021
Production of viable male unreduced gametes in Brassica interspecific hybrids is genotype specific and stimulated by cold temperatures
AS Mason, MN Nelson, G Yan, WA Cowling
BMC plant biology 11, 1-13, 2011
The first gene-based map of Lupinus angustifolius L.-location of domestication genes and conserved synteny with Medicago truncatula
MN Nelson, HTT Phan, SR Ellwood, PM Moolhuijzen, J Hane, A Williams, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113, 225-238, 2006
Lupin. Lupinus L.
WA Cowling, BJ Buirchell, ME Tapia
Analysis of yield and oil from a series of canola breeding trials. Part II. Exploring variety by environment interaction using factor analysis
BR Cullis, AB Smith, CP Beeck, WA Cowling
Genome 53 (11), 1002-1016, 2010
Fast-forward breeding for a food-secure world
RK Varshney, A Bohra, M Roorkiwal, R Barmukh, WA Cowling, ...
Trends in Genetics 37 (12), 1124-1136, 2021
Lupin breeding.
WA Cowling, C Huyghe, W Swiecicki
Canola oil increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids and decreases in oleic acid in drought‐stressed Mediterranean‐type environments
MN Aslam, MN Nelson, SG Kailis, KL Bayliss, J Speijers, WA Cowling
Plant Breeding 128 (4), 348-355, 2009
Divergent patterns of allelic diversity from similar origins: the case of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) in China and Australia
S Chen, MN Nelson, K Ghamkhar, T Fu, WA Cowling
Genome 51 (1), 1-10, 2007
Trigenomic Bridges for Brassica Improvement
S Chen, MN Nelson, AM Chèvre, E Jenczewski, Z Li, AS Mason, J Meng, ...
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 30 (6), 524-547, 2011
DNA fingerprinting based on microsatellite-anchored fragment length polymorphisms, and isolation of sequence-specific PCR markers in lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.)
H Yang, MW Sweetingham, WA Cowling, PMC Smith
Molecular Breeding 7, 203-209, 2001
Sustainable plant breeding
WA Cowling
Plant Breeding 132 (1), 1-9, 2013
Aligning a New Reference Genetic Map of Lupinus angustifolius with the Genome Sequence of the Model Legume, Lotus japonicus
MN Nelson, PM Moolhuijzen, JG Boersma, M Chudy, K Lesniewska, ...
DNA research 17 (2), 73-83, 2010
Genome structure affects the rate of autosyndesis and allosyndesis in AABC, BBAC and CCAB Brassica interspecific hybrids
AS Mason, V Huteau, F Eber, O Coriton, G Yan, MN Nelson, WA Cowling, ...
Chromosome research 18, 655-666, 2010
Center of Origin and Centers of Diversity in an Ancient Crop, Brassica rapa (Turnip Rape)
Y Guo, S Chen, Z Li, WA Cowling
Journal of Heredity 105 (4), 555-565, 2014
Analysis of yield and oil from a series of canola breeding trials. Part I. Fitting factor analytic mixed models with pedigree information
CP Beeck, WA Cowling, AB Smith, BR Cullis
Genome 53 (11), 992-1001, 2010
Microspore culture preferentially selects unreduced (2n) gametes from an interspecific hybrid of Brassica napus L. × Brassica carinata Braun
MN Nelson, AS Mason, MC Castello, L Thomson, G Yan, WA Cowling
Theoretical and applied genetics 119, 497-505, 2009
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