Modified extended tanh-function method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations SA Elwakil, SK El-Labany, MA Zahran, R Sabry Physics Letters A 299 (2-3), 179-188, 2002 | 477 | 2002 |
Modified extended tanh-function method and its applications to nonlinear equations SA Elwakil, SK El-Labany, MA Zahran, R Sabry Applied Mathematics and Computation 161 (2), 403-412, 2005 | 127 | 2005 |
Time-fractional KdV equation: formulation and solution using variational methods SA El-Wakil, EM Abulwafa, MA Zahran, AA Mahmoud Nonlinear Dynamics 65, 55-63, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
A novel approach of diabetic retinopathy early detection based on multifractal geometry analysis for OCTA macular images using support vector machine MM Abdelsalam, MA Zahran IEEE access 9, 22844-22858, 2021 | 81 | 2021 |
New exact solutions for a generalized variable coefficients 2D KdV equation SA Elwakil, SK El-Labany, MA Zahran, R Sabry Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 19 (5), 1083-1086, 2004 | 66 | 2004 |
A new generalized expansion method and its application in finding explicit exact solutions for a generalized variable coefficients KdV equation R Sabry, MA Zahran, E Fan Physics Letters A 326 (1-2), 93-101, 2004 | 63 | 2004 |
On the rogue wave propagation in ion pair superthermal plasma HG Abdelwahed, EK El-Shewy, MA Zahran, SA Elwakil Physics of Plasmas 23 (2), 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Higher-order solution of an electron acoustic solitary waves via vortex electron distribution SA Elwakil, EK El-Shewy, MA Zahran Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 22 (1), 13-24, 2004 | 54 | 2004 |
Exact travelling wave solutions for the generalized shallow water wave equation SA Elwakil, SK El-Labany, MA Zahran, R Sabry Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 17 (1), 121-126, 2003 | 52 | 2003 |
Nonlinear electron-acoustic solitary waves in a relativistic electron-beam plasma system with non-thermal electrons SA Elwakil, MA Zahran, EK El-Shewy Physica Scripta 75 (6), 803, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Effect of dust charge fluctuation on the propagation of dust-ion acoustic waves in inhomogeneous mesospheric dusty plasma AE Mowafy, EK El-Shewy, WM Moslem, MA Zahran Physics of Plasmas 15 (7), 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
The fractional Fokker–Planck equation on comb-like model MA Zahran, EM Abulwafa, SA Elwakil Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 323, 237-248, 2003 | 34 | 2003 |
Fractional integral representation of master equation SA Elwakil, MA Zahran Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 10 (9), 1545-1548, 1999 | 33 | 1999 |
Contribution of higher order dispersion to nonlinear dust-acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma with different sized dust grains and nonthermal ions EK El-Shewy, MA Zahran, K Schoepf, SA Elwakil Physica Scripta 78 (2), 025501, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Fractional (space-time) Fokker–Planck equation SA El-Wakil, A Elhanbaly, MA Zahran Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 12 (6), 1035-1040, 2001 | 31 | 2001 |
A new strategy for the early detection of alzheimer disease stages using multifractal geometry analysis based on K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm YM Elgammal, MA Zahran, MM Abdelsalam Scientific reports 12 (1), 22381, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
Fractional representation of Fokker–Planck equation SA El-Wakil, MA Zahran Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 12 (10), 1929-1935, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
Dust-acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with dust of opposite polarity and vortex-like ion distribution MA Zahran, EK El-Shewy, HG Abdelwahed Journal of Plasma Physics 79 (5), 859-865, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
On the derivation of fractional diffusion equation with an absorbent term and a linear external force MA Zahran Applied mathematical modelling 33 (7), 3088-3092, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Fractional (space–time) diffusion equation on comb-like model SA Elwakil, MA Zahran, EM Abulwafa Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 20 (5), 1113-1120, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |