Robert Kooima
Robert Kooima
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe lsu.edu
Citat de
Citat de
Advances in the dynallax solid-state dynamic parallax barrier autostereoscopic visualization display system
T Peterka, RL Kooima, DJ Sandin, A Johnson, J Leigh, TA DeFanti
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 14 (3), 487-499, 2008
The future of the CAVE
T DeFanti, D Acevedo, R Ainsworth, M Brown, S Cutchin, G Dawe, ...
Open Engineering 1 (1), 16-37, 2011
Generalized perspective projection
R Kooima
J. Sch. Electron. Eng. Comput. Sci 6 (1), 2009
Potential and challenges of immersive virtual environments for occupant energy behavior modeling and validation: A literature review
Y Zhu, S Saeidi, T Rizzuto, A Roetzel, R Kooima
Journal of Building Engineering 19, 302-319, 2018
WO Patent WO/2009/105,544, 2009
The global lambda visualization facility: An international ultra-high-definition wide-area visualization collaboratory
J Leigh, L Renambot, A Johnson, B Jeong, R Jagodic, N Schwarz, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (8), 964-971, 2006
Planetary-scale terrain composition
R Kooima, J Leigh, A Johnson, D Roberts, M SubbaRao, TA DeFanti
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (5), 719-733, 2009
Lambda table: high resolution tiled display table for interacting with large visualizations
C Krumbholz, J Leigh, A Johnson, L Renambot, R Kooima
Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, Redmond …, 2005
A gpu sub-pixel algorithm for autostereoscopic virtual reality
RL Kooima, T Peterka, JI Girado, J Ge, DJ Sandin, TA DeFanti
2007 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 131-137, 2007
Dynallax: Solid State Dynamic Barrier Autostereoscopic VR Display
T Peterka, R Kooima, J Girado, J Ge, D Sandin, A Johnson, J Leigh, ...
Proc. IEEE VR, 2007
A multi-viewer tiled autostereoscopic virtual reality display
R Kooima, A Prudhomme, J Schulze, D Sandin, T DeFanti
proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2010
Measuring the effectiveness of an immersive virtual environment for the modeling and prediction of occupant behavior
S Saeidi, T Rizzuto, Y Zhu, R Kooima
Sustainable Human–Building Ecosystems, 159-167, 2015
Cartouche: conventions for tangibles bridging diverse interactive systems
B Ullmer, Z Dever, R Sankaran, C Toole Jr, C Freeman, B Cassady, ...
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded …, 2010
Cultural heritage omni-stereo panoramas for immersive cultural analytics—from the Nile to the Hijaz
NG Smith, S Cutchin, R Kooima, RA Ainsworth, DJ Sandin, J Schulze, ...
2013 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis …, 2013
The impact of lighting simulation discrepancies on human visual perception and energy behavior simulations in immersive virtual environment
C Chokwitthaya, S Saeidi, Y Zhu, R Kooima
Computing in Civil Engineering 2017, 390-398, 2017
Personal varrier: autostereoscopic virtual reality display for distributed scientific visualization
T Peterka, DJ Sandin, J Ge, J Girado, R Kooima, J Leigh, A Johnson, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (8), 976-983, 2006
Emerging from the CAVE: Collaboration in ultra high resolution environments
J Leigh, A Johnson, L Renambot, T DeFanti, M Brown, B Jeong, ...
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Universal Communication …, 2007
Evolution of the Varrier autostereoscopic VR display
T Peterka, R Kooima, J Girado, J Ge, D Sandin, T DeFanti
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007 Conference Proceedings, 2007
Autostereoscopic display of large-scale scientific visualization
T Peterka, R Ross, H Yu, KL Ma, R Kooima, J Girado
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX 7237, 43-54, 2009
An algebraic language processing environment
T Rus, T Halverson, E Van Wyk, R Kooima
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 581-585, 1997
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