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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (40), 9025-9032, 2009
224 2009 Triply periodic surfaces and multiply continuous structures from the Landau model of microemulsions WT Góźdź, R Hołyst
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153 2018 Hydrogen storage in nanoporous carbon materials: myth and facts P Kowalczyk, R Hołyst, M Terrones, H Terrones
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (15), 1786-1792, 2007
151 2007 Density-Functional Theory for Nematic and S m e c t i c− A Ordering of Hard Spherocylinders A Poniewierski, R Hołyst
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150 1988 Diffusion and viscosity in a crowded environment: from nano-to macroscale J Szymański, A Patkowski, A Wilk, P Garstecki, R Holyst
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146 2006 Landau-Peierls instability, x-ray-diffraction patterns, and surface freezing in thin smectic films R Hołyst
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146 1991 Crossover regime for the diffusion of nanoparticles in polyethylene glycol solutions: influence of the depletion layer N Ziębacz, SA Wieczorek, T Kalwarczyk, M Fiałkowski, R Hołyst
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133 2000 Storage of hydrogen at 303 K in graphite slitlike pores from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation P Kowalczyk, H Tanaka, R Hołyst, K Kaneko, T Ohmori, J Miyamoto
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118 1990 Self‐Assembly at Different Length Scales: Polyphilic Star‐Branched Liquid Crystals and Miktoarm Star Copolymers G Ungar, C Tschierske, V Abetz, R Holyst, MA Bates, F Liu, M Prehm, ...
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112 2011 Copolymers as amphiphiles in ternary mixtures: An analysis employing disorder, equimaxima, and Lifshitz lines R Holyst, M Schick
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112 1992 Phase behavior of gradient copolymers A Aksimentiev, R Hołyst
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108 1999 Evaporation of freely suspended single droplets: experimental, theoretical and computational simulations R Hołyst, M Litniewski, D Jakubczyk, K Kolwas, M Kolwas, K Kowalski, ...
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107 2013 Coherent Soft-X-Ray Dynamic Light Scattering from Smectic- Films AC Price, LB Sorensen, SD Kevan, J Toner, A Poniewierski, R Hołyst
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105 1999 Meniscus and dislocations in free-standing films of smectic-A liquid crystals JC Géminard, R Hołyst, P Oswald
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