Jolene Sutton
Jolene Sutton
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Pêches et Océans Canada
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Disentangling the roles of natural selection and genetic drift in shaping variation at MHC immunity genes
JT Sutton, S Nakagawa, BC Robertson, IG Jamieson
Molecular ecology 20 (21), 4408-4420, 2011
Core commitments for field trials of gene drive organisms
KC Long, L Alphey, GJ Annas, CS Bloss, KJ Campbell, J Champer, ...
Science 370 (6523), 1417-1419, 2020
Dye shift: a neglected source of genotyping error in molecular ecology
JT Sutton, BC Robertson, IG Jamieson
Molecular Ecology Resources 11 (3), 514-520, 2011
Selection on MHC class II supertypes in the New Zealand endemic Hochstetter’s frog
M Lillie, CE Grueber, JT Sutton, R Howitt, PJ Bishop, D Gleeson, K Belov
BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 1-11, 2015
MHC variation reflects the bottleneck histories of N ew Z ealand passerines
JT Sutton, BC Robertson, IG Jamieson
Molecular Ecology 24 (2), 362-373, 2015
Culex quinquefasciatus: status as a threat to island avifauna and options for genetic control
T Harvey-Samuel, T Ant, J Sutton, CN Niebuhr, S Asigau, P Parker, ...
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 2, 1-21, 2021
Characterization of MHC class II B polymorphism in bottlenecked New Zealand saddlebacks reveals low levels of genetic diversity
JT Sutton, BC Robertson, CE Grueber, JAL Stanton, IG Jamieson
Immunogenetics 65, 619-633, 2013
A High-Quality, Long-Read De Novo Genome Assembly to Aid Conservation of Hawaiiʻs Last Remaining Crow Species
JT Sutton, M Helmkampf, CC Steiner, MR Bellinger, J Korlach, R Hall, ...
Genes 9 (8), 393, 2018
Differential patterns of diversity at microsatellite, MHC, and TLR loci in bottlenecked South Island saddleback populations
GJ Knafler, CE Grueber, JT Sutton, IG Jamieson
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 41 (1), 98-106, 2017
Reciprocal translocation of small numbers of inbred individuals rescues immunogenetic diversity
CE Grueber, JT Sutton, S Heber, JV Briskie, IG Jamieson, BC Robertson
Molecular Ecology 26 (10), 2660-2673, 2017
Are frost boils important for the recruitment of arctic-alpine plants?
JT Sutton, L Hermanutz, JD Jacobs
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38 (2), 273-275, 2006
Evaluation of Gene Knockouts by CRISPR as Potential Targets for the Genetic Engineering of the Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus
X Feng, L Kambic, JHK Nishimoto, FA Reed, JA Denton, JT Sutton, ...
The CRISPR Journal 4 (4), 595-608, 2021
Culex quinquefasciatus: Status as a threat to island avifauna and options for genetic control. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 2 (1): 9
T Harvey-Samuel, T Ant, J Sutton, CN Niebuhr, S Asigau, P Parker, ...
MHC genetic diversity and avian malaria prevalence in Mokoia Island saddlebacks
JT Sutton, I Castro, BC Robertson, DM Tompkins, JAL Stanton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40 (3), 351-360, 2016
Moving from trends to benchmarks by using regression tree analysis to find inbreeding thresholds in a critically endangered bird
AM Flanagan, B Masuda, CE Grueber, JT Sutton
Conservation Biology 35 (4), 1278-1287, 2021
RPM-Drive: A robust, safe, and reversible gene drive system that remains functional after 200+ generations
FA Reed, TG Aquino-Michaels, MS Costantini, ÁJ Láruson, JT Sutton
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.05304, 2018
Rethinking refugia: Tree topology, divergence dates, and demographic history trace the distribution of the endangered Plymouth gentian (Sabatia kennedyana) from the Pleistocene …
A Suarez‐Gonzalez, JT Sutton, AJ Trant, E Zamlynny, SV Good
American Journal of Botany 102 (4), 609-620, 2015
Genetic analysis identifies the Ostrea stentina/aupouria/equestris oyster species complex in Hawai‘i, and resolves its lineage as the western Pacific O. equestris
JT Sutton, J Nishimoto, J Schrader, K Agonias, N Antonio, B Bautista, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.03. 22.002444, 2020
Spatiotemporal analysis provides solutions to mitigate bycatch of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Atlantic Cod in an expanding Redfish fishery
JT Sutton, JL McDermid, L Landry, F Turcotte
Fisheries Research 276, 2024
Major histocompatibility complex and microsatellite genetic diversity in bottlenecked populations of New Zealand passerines
JT Sutton
University of Otago, 2013
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