Alberto Del Pia
Alberto Del Pia
Wisconsin Institute for Discovery & Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, UW-Madison
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Citat de
Mixed-integer quadratic programming is in NP
AD Pia, SS Dey, M Molinaro
Mathematical Programming 162, 225-240, 2017
A variable neighborhood descent algorithm for a real waste collection problem with mobile depots
A Del Pia, C Filippi
International Transactions in Operational Research 13 (2), 125–141, 2006
A polyhedral study of binary polynomial programs
A Del Pia, A Khajavirad
Mathematics of Operations Research 42 (2), 389-410, 2017
The multilinear polytope for acyclic hypergraphs
A Del Pia, A Khajavirad
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (2), 1049-1076, 2018
On convergence in mixed integer programming
A Del Pia, R Weismantel
Mathematical programming 135 (1), 397-412, 2012
On decomposability of multilinear sets
A Del Pia, A Khajavirad
Mathematical Programming 170 (2), 387-415, 2018
The running intersection relaxation of the multilinear polytope
A Del Pia, A Khajavirad
Mathematics of Operations Research 46 (3), 1008-1037, 2021
On the diameter of lattice polytopes
A Del Pia, C Michini
Discrete & Computational Geometry 55, 681-687, 2016
On the impact of running intersection inequalities for globally solving polynomial optimization problems
A Del Pia, A Khajavirad, NV Sahinidis
Mathematical programming computation 12 (2), 165-191, 2020
Totally unimodular congestion games
A Del Pia, M Ferris, C Michini
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2017
On the complexity of binary polynomial optimization over acyclic hypergraphs
A Del Pia, S Di Gregorio
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA22), 2684-2699, 2022
Aggregation-based cutting-planes for packing and covering integer programs
M Bodur, A Del Pia, SS Dey, M Molinaro, S Pokutta
Mathematical Programming 171, 331-359, 2018
Integer quadratic programming in the plane
A Del Pia, R Weismantel
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2014
Chvátal rank in binary polynomial optimization
A Del Pia, S Di Gregorio
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 3 (4), 315-349, 2021
Simple odd beta-cycle inequalities for binary polynomial optimization
A Del Pia, M Walter
23rd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO …, 2022
Minimizing cubic and homogeneous polynomials over integers in the plane
A Del Pia, R Hildebrand, R Weismantel, K Zemmer
Mathematics of Operations Research 41 (2), 511-530, 2016
A probabilistic comparison of the strength of split, triangle, and quadrilateral cuts
A Del Pia, C Wagner, R Weismantel
Operations Research Letters 39 (4), 234-240, 2011
On the rank of disjunctive cuts
A Del Pia
Mathematics of Operations Research 37 (2), 372-378, 2012
Relaxations of mixed integer sets from lattice-free polyhedra
A Del Pia, R Weismantel
4OR 10, 221-244, 2012
Complexity, exactness, and rationality in polynomial optimization
D Bienstock, A Del Pia, R Hildebrand
22nd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO …, 2021
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