Nichole L. Morris
Nichole L. Morris
HumanFIRST Laboratory, University of Minnesota
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Are cellular phone blocking applications effective for novice teen drivers?
JI Creaser, CJ Edwards, NL Morris, M Donath
Journal of safety research 54, 75. e29-78, 2015
Pedestrian safety and driver yielding near public transit stops
CM Craig, NL Morris, R Van Houten, D Mayou
Transportation research record 2673 (1), 514-523, 2019
Deeptrack: Lightweight deep learning for vehicle trajectory prediction in highways
V Katariya, M Baharani, N Morris, O Shoghli, H Tabkhi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (10), 18927-18936, 2022
Characteristics and risk factors for electric scooter-related crashes and injury crashes among scooter riders: A two-phase survey study
D Tian, AD Ryan, CM Craig, K Sievert, NL Morris
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (16), 10129, 2022
A survey of electric-scooter riders’ route choice, safety perception, and helmet use
K Sievert, M Roen, CM Craig, NL Morris
Sustainability 15 (8), 6609, 2023
In-vehicle work zone messages
CM Craig, J Achtemeier, N Morris, D Tian, B Patzer
Minnesota. Department of Transportation, 2017
Teen driver support system (TDSS) field operational test
J Creaser, N Morris, CJ Edwards, M Manser, JL Cooper, B Swanson, ...
University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies, 2015
A smart bicycle that protects itself: active sensing and estimation for car-bicycle collision prevention
W Jeon, Z Xie, C Craig, J Achtemeier, L Alexander, N Morris, M Donath, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 41 (3), 28-57, 2021
A pilot study on mitigating run-off-road crashes
C Edwards, NL Morris, M Manser
Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute Center for Transportation Studies, 2013
Design and evaluation of a rural intersection conflict warning system and alternative designs among various driver age groups
D Tian, SG Gerberich, NL Morris, H Kim, AD Ryan, DJ Erickson, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 162, 106388, 2021
Adolescents' attitudes and intentions to use a smartphone app to promote safe driving
CN Pope, E Sezgin, S Lin, NL Morris, M Zhu
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100090, 2020
Effects of simulated cataracts on speech intelligibility
NL Morris, A Chaparro, D Downs, JM Wood
Vision Research 66, 49-54, 2012
In-Vehicle Dynamic Curve-Speed Warnings at High-Risk Rural Curves
B Davis, NL Morris, JD Achtemeier, B Patzer
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2018
Addressing key concerns regarding automated speed enforcement via interactive survey
C Peterson, F Douma, N Morris
Transportation research record 2660 (1), 66-73, 2017
An assessment of safety culture while navigating work zones: Attitudes and behavior toward in-vehicle messaging technologies
JD Achtemeier, NL Morris
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Examining the impact of ASE (automated speed enforcement) in work zones on driver attention
N Morris, JL Cooper, A Ton, JP Plummer, P Easterlund
Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services & Library, 2016
Effects of visual-spatial and verbal working memory load on visual attention and driving performance
A Chaparro, S Tokuda, N Morris
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 683-683, 2007
Changing driver yielding behavior on a city-wide basis
R VanHouten, N Morris, C Craig, DL Dixon, J Hochmuth
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 42 (2), 126-149, 2022
Rural intersection conflict warning system evaluation and design investigation
D Tian, NL Morris, DA Libby
Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2018
Mixed-method usability investigation of ARROWS: augmented reality for roadway work zone safety
S Sabeti, N Morris, O Shoghli
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 30 (1), 292-303, 2024
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