Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Montagnat MaurineAflați mai multe
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Fabric along the NEEM ice core, Greenland, and its comparison with GRIP and NGRIP ice cores
M Montagnat, N Azuma, D Dahl-Jensen, J Eichler, S Fujita, ...
The Cryosphere 8 (4), 1129-1138, 2014
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), Icelandic …
Multiscale modeling of ice deformation behavior
M Montagnat, O Castelnau, PD Bons, SH Faria, O Gagliardini, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 61, 78-108, 2014
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Measurements and full-field predictions of deformation heterogeneities in ice
M Montagnat, JR Blackford, S Piazolo, L Arnaud, RA Lebensohn
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (1-2), 153-160, 2011
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Evolution of crystal orientation in snow during temperature gradient metamorphism
F Riche, M Montagnat, M Schneebeli
Journal of Glaciology 59 (213), 47-55, 2013
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Effect of local stress heterogeneities on dislocation fields: Examples from transient creep in polycrystalline ice
S Piazolo, M Montagnat, F Grennerat, H Moulinec, J Wheeler
Acta Materialia 90, 303-309, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council, European Commission
Recrystallization processes, microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation evolution in polycrystalline ice during high-temperature simple shear
B Journaux, T Chauve, M Montagnat, A Tommasi, F Barou, D Mainprice, ...
The Cryosphere 13 (5), 1495-1511, 2019
Mandate: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Agence Nationale de la …
Investigation of nucleation processes during dynamic recrystallization of ice using cryo-EBSD
T Chauve, M Montagnat, F Barou, K Hidas, A Tommasi, D Mainprice
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
A study of the mechanical response of polycrystalline ice subjected to dynamic tension loading using the spalling test technique
D Saletti, D Georges, V Gouy, M Montagnat, P Forquin
International Journal of Impact Engineering 132, 103315, 2019
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Competition between grain growth and grain-size reduction in polar ice
J Roessiger, PD Bons, A Griera, MW Jessell, L Evans, M Montagnat, ...
Journal of Glaciology 57 (205), 942-948, 2011
Mandate: German Research Foundation
The layered evolution of fabric and microstructure of snow at Point Barnola, Central East Antarctica
N Calonne, M Montagnat, M Matzl, M Schneebeli
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 460, 293-301, 2017
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Multi-channel and multi-polarization radar measurements around the NEEM site
J Li, JA Vélez González, C Leuschen, A Harish, P Gogineni, M Montagnat, ...
The Cryosphere 12 (8), 2689-2705, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
On the birth of structural and crystallographic fabric signals in polar snow: A case study from the EastGRIP snowpack
M Montagnat, H Löwe, N Calonne, M Schneebeli, M Matzl, M Jaggi
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 365, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Influence of porosity on ice dynamic tensile behavior as assessed by spalling tests
D Georges, D Saletti, M Montagnat, P Forquin, P Hagenmuller
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 7 (4), 575-590, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Investigation of a cold-based ice apron on a high-mountain permafrost rock wall using ice texture analysis and micro-14C dating: a case study of the Triangle du Tacul ice apron …
G Guillet, S Preunkert, L Ravanel, M Montagnat, R Friedrich
Journal of Glaciology 67 (266), 1205-1212, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Substructure Dynamics in Crystalline Materials: New Insight from In Situ Experiments, Detailed EBSD Analysis of Experimental and Natural Samples and Numerical …
S Piazolo, V Borthwick, A Griera, M Montagnat, MW Jessell, ...
Materials Science Forum 715, 502-507, 2012
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Disentangling creep and isothermal metamorphism during snow settlement with X-ray tomography
A Bernard, P Hagenmuller, M Montagnat, G Chambon
Journal of Glaciology 69 (276), 899-910, 2023
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Micro‐seismic monitoring of a shear fault within a floating ice plate
C Lachaud, D Marsan, M Montagnat, J Weiss, L Moreau, F Gimbert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (10), 10444-10467, 2019
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Role of ice mechanics on snow viscoplasticity
L Védrine, P Hagenmuller, L Gélébart, M Montagnat, A Bernard
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (7), e2023GL107676, 2024
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study of ice
T Chauve, M Montagnat, V Dansereau, P Saramito, K Fourteau, ...
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 352 (G1), 99-134, 2024
Mandate: European Commission
Dynamic recrystallization and mechanical behavior of Mg alloy AZ31: Constraints from tensile tests with in-situ EBSD analysis
G Boissonneau, A Tommasi, F Barou, MA Lopez-Sanchez, M Montagnat
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 353 (G1), 235-258, 2025
Mandate: European Commission
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