Atef Noweir
Atef Noweir
Prof. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe science.tanta.edu.eg - Pagina de pornire
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Back-thrust origin of the Hafit structure, northern Oman Mountain front, United Arab Emirates
MA Noweir
GeoArabia 5 (2), 215-228, 2000
Structural style and stratigraphy of the Huwayyah anticline: An example of an Al-Ain Tertiary fold, northern Oman Mountains
MA Noweir, AS Alsharhan
GeoArabia 5 (3), 387-402, 2000
The structure and stratigraphy of Jabal Malaqet-Jabal Mundassa area, southeast Al-Ain, Northern Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates
M Atef Noweir, NS Eloutefi
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, 263-284, 1997
Structural and stratigraphical setting of the faiyah range, northwestern Oman mountain front, United Arab Emirates
MA Noweir, AS Alsharhan, MA Boukhary
GeoArabia 3 (3), 387-398, 1998
Structural evolution of Jabal Rawdah area, Hatta Zone, Northwestern Oman Mountains front
MA Noweir, MM Abdeen
Egyptian Journal of Geology 44 (1), 219-235, 2000
Integration of well logging and remote sensing data for detecting potential geothermal sites along the Gulf of Suez, Egypt
AS Fahil, E Ghoneim, MA Noweir, A Masoud
Resources 9 (9), 109, 2020
Magmatic evolution of the area around Wadi Kariem, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
MF Ghoneim, MA Noweir, TS Abu-Alam
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 9221-9236, 2015
Wrench deformation Syrian arc structures: El Hamraa, Umm Busal and Umm Horeiba en echelon anticlines, Mitla Pass, west-central Sinai, Egypt
MA Noweir, Z El-Alfy, EM Fawwaz
Magallat al-''Ulum al-Giyulugiyyat li-l-Gumhuriyyat al-''Arabiyyat al …, 2006
Deformation phases and tectonic evolution of the neoproterozoic rocks of Wadi Kareim area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
MA Noweir, MF Ghoneim, TS Abu-Alam
Ann Geol Surv Egypt 28, 81-109, 2005
Structural framework and geochemical studies of ironore deposit of Wadi Kareim, centeral Eastern Desert, Egypt
MA Noweir, MF Ghoneim, TS Abu-Alam
6th International Conference on Geochemistry, Alexandria University. Egypt …, 2004
Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash and Bahariya Reservoirs, Main Abu El-Gharadig Oil Field, North Western Desert, Egypt
NH EL-Gendy, MA Noweir, MS EL-Sadek, AELS Ali
Egyptian Journal of Geology 66 (1), 25-40, 2022
Depositional history, diagenesis and structural evolution of the stratigraphic sequence of Jabal Al Hama-Jabal Bin Khartum foreland folds, East Al-Ain, Northern Oman Mountains
MA Noweir, AR Baghdady, MA Boukhary
International journal of scientific research 15, 103-125, 2006
Integration and analysis of well logging and remote sensing data for exploring new potential geothermal sites along the Gulf of Suez, Egypt
MA Noweir, A Fahil, E Ghoneim, A Masoud
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 343750, 2020
Structural Evolution of Extensional Phanerozoic Rift Blocks: El Hamrawein Area, Northwest Red Sea, Eastern Desert, Egypt
MA Noweir, AS Fheel*
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
Seismic Interpretation of the Subsurface Structures for Delineating the Occurrence of some Reservoirs in the Main Abu El-Gharadig Oil Field, north Western Desert, Egypt
NH EL-Gendy, MA Noweir, MS EL-Sadek, AELS Ali
Egyptian Journal of Geology 67 (1), 175-196, 2023
Identification of Potential Hydrothermal Mineralization Zones Associated with Geothermal Hotspot Waters Using Geospatial Analysis Techniques and WORLDVIEW-3 Imagery at Ayn Musa …
AS Fahil, EM Ghoneim, MA Noweir, A Masoud
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 343966, 2020
Structural Evolution Of A Fault Propagation Areif El Naqa Anticline: An Example Of Syrian Arc Fold Structures, North Sinai Fold Belt, Egypt
MA Noweir
Magallat al-''Ulum al-Giyulugiyyat li-l-Gumhuriyyat al-''Arabiyyat al …, 2005
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