Ionic thermocurrents in dielectrics C Bucci, R Fieschi, G Guidi
Physical review 148 (2), 816, 1966
1207 1966 Ionic thermoconductivity. Method for the investigation of polarization in insulators C Bucci, R Fieschi
Physical Review Letters 12 (1), 16, 1964
624 1964 Suppression of the superconducting condensate in the high-T c cuprates by Zn substitution and overdoping: evidence for an unconventional pairing state C Bernhard, JL Tallon, C Bucci, R De Renzi, G Guidi, GVM Williams, ...
Physical review letters 77 (11), 2304, 1996
190 1996 Ionic Thermocurrents in Alkali Halide Crystals Containing Substitutional Beryllium Ions C Bucci
Physical Review 164 (3), 1200, 1967
87 1967 Evidence for space charge polarization in pure KC1 at low temperatures CA Bucci, SC Riva
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 26 (2), 363-371, 1965
79 1965 Frequency Modulation of Resonant γ Rays in Iron Foils: Influence of the State of Magnetization G Asti, G Albanese, C Bucci
Physical Review 184 (2), 260, 1969
59 1969 Magnetic properties of MnF 2 and CoF 2 determined by implanted positive muons. I. Localization studies R De Renzi, G Guidi, P Podini, R Tedeschi, C Bucci, SFJ Cox
Physical Review B 30 (1), 186, 1984
39 1984 Studies of muonium-substituted molecules in propan-2-one and in aqueous solutions of propan-2-one A Hill, MCR Symons, SFJ Cox, R de Renzi, CA Scott, C Bucci, A Vecli
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry …, 1985
35 1985 Muon-spin-rotation study of Zn-induced magnetic moments in cuprate high-T c superconductors C Bernhard, C Niedermayer, T Blasius, GVM Williams, R De Renzi, ...
Physical Review B 58 (14), R8937, 1998
32 1998 Magnetic phase transition in planar antiferromagnets: F 19 magnetic-resonance experiments in K 2 Mn F 4 C Bucci, G Guidi
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29 1974 Dielectric Relaxations in Additively Colored KCl and KCl: Sr Cl 2 Crystals C Bucci
Physical Review 152 (2), 833, 1966
Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia. Dept. of Physics, 1966
29 * 1966 Temperature dependence of the sublattice spontaneous magnetization of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6 C Bucci, P Carretta, R De Renzi, G Guidi, SG Jang, E Rastelli, A Tassi, ...
Physical Review B 48 (22), 16769, 1993
23 1993 Comment on “Muon Spin Relaxation Studies of Zn-Substitution Effects in High-T c Cuprate Superconductors” C Bernhard, JL Tallon, C Bucci, R DeRenzi, G Guidi, GVM Williams, ...
Physical review letters 80 (1), 205, 1998
22 1998 Magnetic properties of MnF 2 and CoF 2 determined by implanted positive muons. II. Sublattice magnetization and phase transition R De Renzi, G Guidi, P Podini, R Tedeschi, C Bucci, SFJ Cox
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19 1984 Two-dimensional antiferromagnets: Rb 87 NMR in Rb 2 CoF 4 C Bucci, G Guidi, C Vignali
Solid State Communications 10 (9), 803-809, 1972
18 1972 Motion of the magnetic moments detected by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy in magnetic systems G Asti, G Albanese, C Bucci
Il Nuovo Cimento B (1965-1970) 57 (2), 531-533, 1968
18 1968 Metal-to-insulator evolution in (NH 3) x NaK 2 C 60: An NMR study M Ricco, G Fumera, T Shiroka, O Ligabue, C Bucci, F Bolzoni
Physical Review B 68 (3), 035102, 2003
16 2003 Phase separation in antiferromagnetic YBa2Cu3O\ it 6+ x C Bucci, R De Renzi, G Guidi, G Allodi, F Licci
Hyperfine interactions 105 (1-4), 71-76, 1997
14 1997 Studies of range and straggling of muons in metals by the projected range imaging (PRI) technique T Shiroka, C Bucci, R De Renzi, G Guidi, G Eaton, P King, C Scott
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1999
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