Steve L McMullin
Steve L McMullin
Emeritus Associate Professor of Fish & Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech
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Factors affecting decisions to volunteer in nongovernmental organizations
TA Martinez, SL McMullin
Environment and behavior 36 (1), 112-126, 2004
Resolution of Natural Resource Allocation Conflicts Through Effective Public Involvement.
SL McMullin, LA Nielsen
Policy Studies Journal 19, 1991
Improving stakeholder knowledge and agency image through collaborative planning
NW Lafon, SL McMullin, DE Steffen, RS Schulman
Wildlife Society Bulletin 32 (1), 220-231, 2004
An assessment of biosecurity utilization in the recirculation sector of finfish aquaculture in the United States and Canada
J Delabbio, BR Murphy, GR Johnson, SL McMullin
Aquaculture 242 (1-4), 165-179, 2004
Are we preparing the next generation of fisheries professionals to succeed in their careers?: a survey of AFS members
SL McMullin, V DiCenzo, R Essig, C Bonds, RL DeBruyne, MA Kaemingk, ...
Fisheries 41 (8), 436-449, 2016
Feeding wild American black bears in Virginia: a survey of Virginia bear hunters, 1998–99
RM Gray, MR Vaughan, SL McMullin
Ursus 15 (2), 188-196, 2004
The process of fisheries management
SL McMullin, E Pert
Inland fisheries management in North America, 3rd edition. American …, 2010
Fish disease and biosecurity: attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of managers and owners of commercial finfish recirculating facilities in the United States and Canada
JL Delabbio, GR Johnson, BR Murphy, E Hallerman, A Woart, ...
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 17 (2), 153-159, 2005
Natural resource management and leadership in public arena decision making: a prescriptive framework
SL McMullin
American Fisheries Society Symposium. 1996., 1996
Dispelling assumptions about stocked‐trout fisheries and angler satisfaction
AA Hyman, SL McMullin, V DiCenzo
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (6), 1395-1404, 2016
Mail and web-based survey administration: a case study with recreational users of Virginia's wildlife management areas
AL Carrozzino-Lyon, SL McMullin, JA Parkhurst
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (3), 219-233, 2013
Effects of hydroelectric operations on the kokanee population in the Flathead River system, Montana
JJ Fraley, SL McMullin, PJ Graham
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 6 (4), 560-568, 1986
Characteristics and strategies of effective state fish and wildlife agencies
SL McMullin
Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference …, 1993
Specialization and characterization of stocked‐trout anglers in Virginia, USA
AA Hyman, SL McMullin
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38 (6), 1394-1403, 2018
Desired competencies and perceived proficiencies of entry-level fisheries and wildlife professionals: a survey of employers and educators
DF Stauffer, SL McMullin
Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference …, 2009
Does angling or boating improve the stewardship ethic of participants?
SL McMullin, KS Hockett, JA McClafferty
American fisheries society symposium 55, 145-155, 2007
Knowledge and opinions of stakeholders of black bear management in Virginia
NW Lafon, SL McMullin, DE Steffen
Ursus, 55-64, 2003
Measuring the human dimensions of recreational fisheries
BA Knuth, SL McMullin
Fisheries techniques, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda …, 1996
Managing information about how we are managing: multiple perspectives on the factors that determine agency effectiveness
SL McMullin, SR Amend, LA Nielsen
Trans. N. Am. Wildl. and Nat. Resour. Conf 56, 162-168, 1991
House Bill 38 and future directions for the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: results of constituent and staff studies and recommendations for future action
SL McMullin, MD Duda, BA Wright, VA Centreville
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia and Responsive Management, Harrisonburg …, 2000
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