Farid Khoucha
Farid Khoucha
Docteur Génie Electrique, EMP
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Hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel-inverter induction-motor-drive direct torque control for automotive applications
F Khoucha, SM Lagoun, K Marouani, A Kheloui, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (3), 892-899, 2009
A comparison of symmetrical and asymmetrical three-phase H-bridge multilevel inverter for DTC induction motor drives
F Khoucha, MS Lagoun, A Kheloui, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (1), 64-72, 2010
GA-based robust LQR controller for interleaved boost DC–DC converter improving fuel cell voltage regulation
M Habib, F Khoucha, A Harrag
Electric Power Systems Research 152, 438-456, 2017
An optimal fuzzy logic power sharing strategy for parallel hybrid electric vehicles
F Khoucha, MEH Benbouzid, A Kheloui
2010 IEEE vehicle power and propulsion conference, 1-5, 2010
A 7-level single DC source cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters control using hybrid modulation
F Khoucha, A Ales, A Khoudiri, K Marouani, MEH Benbouzid, A Kheloui
The XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines-ICEM 2010, 1-5, 2010
Integrated energy management of a plug-in electric vehicle in residential distribution systems with renewables
F Khoucha, M Benbouzid, Y Amirat, A Kheloui
2015 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 717-722, 2015
Hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter motor drive DTC control for Electric Vehicles
F Khoucha, SM Lagoun, K Marouani, A Kheloui, MEH Benbouzid
2008 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1-6, 2008
SDTC neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears
A Haddoun, F Khoucha, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, ...
2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 259-266, 2007
An up-to-date review of low-voltage ride-through techniques for doubly-fed induction generator-based wind turbines
M Benbouzid, SM Muyeen, F Khoucha
International Journal on Energy Conversion 3 (1), 1–9, 2015
FC/battery power management for electric vehicle based interleaved DC-DC boost converter topology
A Benrabeh, F Khoucha, O Herizi, MEH Benbouzid, A Kheloui
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1-9, 2013
An improved MPPT interleaved boost converter for solar electric vehicle application
F Khoucha, A Benrabah, O Herizi, A Kheloui, MEH Benbouzid
4th International conference on power engineering, energy and electrical …, 2013
Experimental performance analysis of adaptive flux and speed observers for direct torque control of sensorless induction motor drives
F Khoucha, K Marouani, K Aliouane, A Kheloui
2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
A DC-DC converter-based PEM fuel cell system emulator
D Rezzak, F Khoucha, M Benbouzid, A Kheloui, A Mamoune
2011 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2011
Impact evaluation of large scale integration of electric vehicles on power grid
R Boudina, J Wang, M Benbouzid, F Khoucha, M Boudour
Frontiers in Energy 14, 337-346, 2020
Experimental investigation of an emulator" Hardware In the Loop" for electric naval propulsion system
K Marouani, H Guendouz, B Tabbache, F Khoucha, A Kheloui
21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 125-130, 2013
Online current limiting-based control to improve fault ride-through capability of grid-feeding inverters
F Benyamina, A Benrabah, F Khoucha, MF Zia, Y Achour, M Benbouzid
Electric Power Systems Research 201, 107524, 2021
Study and simulation of direct torque control of double-star induction motor drive
K Marouani, F Khoucha, A Kheloui, L Baghli, D Hadiouche
2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference …, 2006
An augmented state observer-based sensorless control of grid-connected inverters under grid faults
F Benyamina, A Benrabah, F Khoucha, MF Zia, Y Achour, M Benbouzid
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 133, 107222, 2021
Comparison of PWM techniques for modular multilevel converter: a comparison based on different voltage level waveforms
R Bekhouche, F Khoucha, A Benrabah, K Benmansour, MEH Benbouzid
2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and …, 2020
Improved grid-side current control of lcl-filtered grid-tied inverters under weak grid conditions
A Benrabah, F Khoucha, K Marouani, A Kheloui, A Raza, D Xu
2019 Algerian Large Electrical Network Conference (CAGRE), 1-5, 2019
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