Jaka Sodnik
Jaka Sodnik
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
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Citat de
An analysis of the precision and reliability of the leap motion sensor and its suitability for static and dynamic tracking
J Guna, G Jakus, M Pogačnik, S Tomažič, J Sodnik
Sensors 14 (2), 3702-3720, 2014
A user study of auditory versus visual interfaces for use while driving
J Sodnik, C Dicke, S Tomažič, M Billinghurst
International journal of human-computer studies 66 (5), 318-332, 2008
An analysis of the suitability of a low-cost eye tracker for assessing the cognitive load of drivers
T Čegovnik, K Stojmenova, G Jakus, J Sodnik
Applied ergonomics 68, 1-11, 2018
Spatial sound localization in an augmented reality environment
J Sodnik, S Tomazic, R Grasset, A Duenser, M Billinghurst
Proceedings of the 18th Australia conference on computer-human interaction …, 2006
A user study of auditory, head-up and multi-modal displays in vehicles
G Jakus, C Dicke, J Sodnik
Applied ergonomics 46, 184-192, 2015
Detection-response task—uses and limitations
K Stojmenova, J Sodnik
Sensors 18 (2), 594, 2018
Exploring direct 3D interaction for full horizontal parallax light field displays using leap motion controller
VK Adhikarla, J Sodnik, P Szolgay, G Jakus
Sensors 15 (4), 8642-8663, 2015
Modeling cross-national differences in automated vehicle acceptance
S Etzioni, J Hamadneh, AB Elvarsson, D Esztergár-Kiss, M Djukanovic, ...
Sustainability 12 (22), 9765, 2020
Who is willing to share their AV? Insights about gender differences among seven countries
A Polydoropoulou, I Tsouros, N Thomopoulos, C Pronello, A Elvarsson, ...
Sustainability 13 (9), 4769, 2021
Spatial sound resolution of an interpolated HRIR library
J Sodnik, R Sušnik, M Štular, S Tomažič
Applied Acoustics 66 (11), 1219-1234, 2005
Driver fatigue detection based on saccadic eye movements
MC Catalbas, T Cegovnik, J Sodnik, A Gulten
2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2017
Electrogastrography in autonomous vehicles—an objective method for assessment of motion sickness in simulated driving environments
T Gruden, NB Popović, K Stojmenova, G Jakus, N Miljković, S Tomažič, ...
Sensors 21 (2), 550, 2021
The role of human operators in safety perception of av deployment—insights from a large european survey
M Kyriakidis, J Sodnik, K Stojmenova, AB Elvarsson, C Pronello, ...
Sustainability 12 (21), 9166, 2020
A system for efficient motor learning using multimodal augmented feedback
G Jakus, K Stojmenova, S Tomažič, J Sodnik
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 20409-20421, 2017
Assessing drivers’ physiological responses using consumer grade devices
T Gruden, K Stojmenova, J Sodnik, G Jakus
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5353, 2019
Sensitivity evaluation of the visual, tactile, and auditory detection response task method while driving
K Stojmenova, G Jakus, J Sodnik
Traffic injury prevention 18 (4), 431-436, 2017
Spatial auditory human-computer interfaces
J Sodnik, S Tomažič
Springer, 2015
Multiple spatial sounds in hierarchical menu navigation for visually impaired computer users
J Sodnik, G Jakus, S Tomažič
International journal of human-computer studies 69 (1-2), 100-112, 2011
NERVteh compact motion based driving simulator
M Vengust, B Kaluža, K Stojmenova, J Sodnik
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2017
Driving demands, stress reactivity and driving behavior: An interactional approach
S Tement, N Plohl, M Horvat, B Musil, G Jakus, J Sodnik
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 69, 80-90, 2020
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