Sara Ben Amer
Sara Ben Amer
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Too complicated and impractical? An exploratory study on the role of energy system models in municipal decision-making processes in Denmark
SB Amer, JS Gregg, K Sperling, D Drysdale
Energy Research & Social Science 70, 101673, 2020
Energy supply modelling of a low-CO2 emitting energy system: Case study of a Danish municipality
D Sveinbjörnsson, SB Amer-Allam, AB Hansen, L Algren, AS Pedersen
Applied Energy 195, 922-941, 2017
Scenarios for sustainable heat supply and heat savings in municipalities-The case of Helsingør, Denmark
SB Amer-Allam, M Münster, S Petrović
Energy 137, 1252-1263, 2017
Modelling the future low-carbon energy systems-case study of greater Copenhagen, Denmark
SB Amer, R Bramstoft, O Balyk, PS Nielsen
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 24, 2019
Value chain structures that define European cellulosic ethanol production
JS Gregg, S Bolwig, T Hansen, O Solér, S Ben Amer-Allam, ...
Sustainability 9 (1), 118, 2017
Definition of smart energy city and state of the art of 6 transform cities using key performance indicators: Deliverable 1.2
PS Nielsen, SB Amer, K Halsnæs
Use of smart meters as feedback for district heating temperature control
HG Bergsteinsson, TS Nielsen, JK Møller, SB Amer, DF Dominković, ...
Energy Reports 7, 213-221, 2021
Scenario modelling as a tool for planning sustainable urban energy systems
S Ben Amer
Urban Futures-Squaring Circles: Europe, China and the World in 2050, 2014
City definitions
SB Amer
A Paper Presentation at DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of …, 2014
Digitalization of district heating
HG Bergsteinsson, SB Amer, PS Nielsen, H Madsen
Technical University of Denmark, 2021
Innovations in Nordic value chains for biogas: Denmark (Maabjerg BioEnergy) case study
SB Amer, S Bolwig
TOP-NEST, Project number RD 42, 2011
Assessment of local feasible renewable energy-based heating/cooling utilisation for Herten (D2. 2)
A Aydemir, D Bellstädt, E Popovski, T Fleiter, M Münster, SB Amer
Challenges for energy data collection and sharing in Denmark
SB Amer, PS Nielsen, T Hjøllund
World Sustainable Energy Days 2021, 2021
Innovations in Nordic value chains for biogas: Maabjerg BioEnergy in Denmark
SB Amer, S Bolwig
Technical University of Denmark, 2013
Energy data: mapping, barriers and value creation.
SB Amer, T Hjøllund, PS Nielsen, H Madsen, HG Bergsteinsson, X Liu
Review of Supportive Framework Conditions and Analysis of Current Challenges for Municipal Energy Transition
SB Amer, C Bergaentzlé
Digitalisering af fjernvarme-erfaringer der luner
H Madsen, HG Bergsteinsson, SB Amer, PS Nielsen, X Liu, T Hjøllund
Driving changes in cities: Municipal decarbonising in good company. And with a bit of money
C Bergaentzlé, DM Sneum, SB Amer
Technical University of Denmark, 2021
Future low-carbon energy systems: case of Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
SB Amer, RBB Pedersen, O Balyk, PS Nielsen
Role of energy system models in municipal decision-making processes in Denmark
SB Amer, JS Gregg, K Sperling, DW Drysdale
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