软件体系结构研究综述 孙昌爱, 金茂忠, 刘超
软件学报 13 (007), 1228-1237, 2002
241 2002 VxBPEL: Supporting variability for Web services in BPEL M Koning, C Sun, M Sinnema, P Avgeriou
Information and Software Technology 51 (2), 258-269, 2009
184 2009 Modeling and managing the variability of web service-based systems C Sun, R Rossing, M Sinnema, P Bulanov, M Aiello
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (3), 502-516, 2010
102 2010 Metamorphic testing for web services: Framework and a case study CA Sun, G Wang, B Mu, H Liu, ZS Wang, TY Chen
2011 ieee international conference on web services, 283-290, 2011
59 2011 Overviews on software architecture research CA Sun, MZ Jin, C Liu
Journal of Software 13 (7), 1228-1237, 2002
59 2002 METRIC : A Metamorphic Relation Identification Technique Based on Input Plus Output Domains CA Sun, A Fu, PL Poon, X Xie, H Liu, TY Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (9), 1764-1785, 2019
56 2019 A metamorphic relation-based approach to testing web services without oracles C Sun, G Wang, B Mu, H Liu, ZS Wang, TY Chen
International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 9 (1), 51-73, 2012
49 2012 A path-aware approach to mutant reduction in mutation testing C Sun, F Xue, H Liu, X Zhang
Information and Software Technology 81, 65-81, 2017
38 2017 基于程序插装的动态测试技术实现 孙昌爱, 金茂忠
小型微型计算机系统 22 (12), 1475-1479, 2001
36 2001 Transaction management in service-oriented systems: Requirements and a proposal C Sun, E El Khoury, M Aiello
IEEE Transactions on services computing 4 (2), 167-180, 2010
35 2010 A transformation-based approach to generating scenario-oriented test cases from UML activity diagrams for concurrent applications C Sun
2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2008
35 2008 实时嵌入式软件的测试技术 孙昌爱, 靳若明, 刘超, 金茂忠
小型微型计算机系统 21 (9), 920-924, 2000
34 2000 Path-directed source test case generation and prioritization in metamorphic testing CA Sun, B Liu, A Fu, Y Liu, H Liu
Journal of Systems and Software 183, 111091, 2022
31 2022 μMT: a data mutation directed metamorphic relation acquisition methodology C Sun, Y Liu, Z Wang, WK Chan
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, 12-18, 2016
29 2016 Automated testing of WS-BPEL service compositions: A scenario-oriented approach C Sun, Y Zhao, L Pan, H Liu, TY Chen
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (4), 616-629, 2015
29 2015 ReArchJBs: a tool for automated software architecture recovery of JavaBeans-based applications C Sun, J Zhou, J Cao, M Jin, C Liu, Y Shen
2005 Australian Software Engineering Conference, 270-280, 2005
22 2005 On detecting faults for Boolean expressions TY Chen, MF Lau, KY Sim, CA Sun
Software quality journal 17, 245-261, 2009
21 2009 Towards variable service compositions using VxBPEL C Sun, M Aiello
international conference on Software Reuse, 257-261, 2008
21 2008 Analyzing and extending MUMCUT for fault-based testing of general boolean expressions C Sun, Y Dong, R Lai, KY Sim, TY Chen
The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2006
21 2006 基于 UML 活动图模型的测试用例生成技术研究 张楣, 刘超, 孙昌爱
北京航空航天大学学报 27 (4), 433-437, 2001
21 2001