Hossein Dehghanisanij
Hossein Dehghanisanij
Professor in AERI, IRAN
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Assessment of evapotranspiration estimation models for use in semi-arid environments
H DehghaniSanij, T Yamamoto, V Rasiah
Agricultural water management 64 (2), 91-106, 2004
The effect of chlorine on emitter clogging induced by algae and protozoa and the performance of drip irrigation
H Dehghanisanij, T Yamamoto, BO Ahmad, H Fujiyama, K Miyamoto
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (2), 519-527, 2005
Land use/land cover change detection and NDVI estimation in Pakistan’s Southern Punjab Province
Y Hu, A Raza, NR Syed, S Acharki, RL Ray, S Hussain, H Dehghanisanij, ...
Sustainability 15 (4), 3572, 2023
A Bowen ratio technique for partitioning energy fluxes between maize transpiration and soil surface evaporation
AT Zeggaf, S Takeuchi, H Dehghanisanij, H Anyoji, T Yano
Agronomy Journal 100 (4), 988-996, 2008
Assessment of wheat and maize water productivities and production function for cropping system decisions in arid and semiarid regions
H Dehghanisanij, MM Nakhjavani, AZ Tahiri, H Anyoji
Irrigation and Drainage: The journal of the International Commission on …, 2009
Improvement of saline water use under drip irrigation system
H Dehghanisanij, M Agassi, H Anyoji, T Yamamoto, M Inoue, AE Eneji
Agricultural water management 85 (3), 233-242, 2006
The effect of acidification and magnetic field on emitter clogging under saline water application
KA Aali, A Liaghat, H Dehghanisanij
Journal of Agricultural Science 1 (1), 132, 2009
Effects of deficit irrigation and fertilizer use on vegetative growth of drip irrigated cherry trees
H Dehghanisanij, A Naseri, H Anyoji, AE Eneji
Journal of plant nutrition 30 (3), 411-425, 2007
Impact of biological clogging agents on filter and emitter discharge characteristics of microirrigation systems
H DehghaniSanij, T Yamamoto, V Rasiah, J Utsunomiya, M Inoue
Irrigation and Drainage: The journal of the International Commission on …, 2004
A hybrid machine learning approach for estimating the water-use efficiency and yield in agriculture
H Dehghanisanij, H Emami, S Emami, V Rezaverdinejad
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6728, 2022
Reducing water footprints through healthy and reasonable changes in diet and imported products
F Mirzaie-Nodoushan, S Morid, H Dehghanisanij
Sustainable Production and Consumption 23, 30-41, 2020
Effect of mulching on some characteristics of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under deficit irrigation
B Taromi Aliabadi, MR Hassandokht, H Etesami, HA Alikhani, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 21 (4), 927-941, 2019
Practical aspects of TDR for simultaneous measurements of water and solute in a dune sand field
H Dehghanisanij, T Yamamoto, M Inoue
Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics 98, 21-30, 2004
Agricultural water use and management in arid and semi-arid areas: Current situation and measures for improvement
H Dehghanisanij, T Oweis, AS Qureshi
Annals of Arid Zone 45 (3/4), 355, 2006
Evaluating the use of intelligent irrigation systems based on the IoT in grain corn irrigation
H Sharifnasab, A Mahrokh, H Dehghanisanij, E Łazuka, G Łagód, ...
Water 15 (7), 1394, 2023
Assessment of different reference evapotranspiration models to estimate the actual evapotranspiration of corn (Zea mays L.) in a semiarid region (case study, Karaj …
S Akhavan, E Kanani, H Dehghanisanij
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137, 1403-1419, 2019
Effect of emitter characteristics and irrigation schemes on emitter clogging under saline water use
H Dehghanisanij, H Riahi
沙漠研究= Journal of arid land studies: 日本沙漠学会誌/日本沙漠学会編集委員 …, 2007
Drought and Water Scarcity
S Nairizi
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage: New Delhi, India, 2017
Modelling reference evapotranspiration using principal component analysis and machine learning methods under different climatic environments
A Raza, K Saber, Y Hu, R L. Ray, Y Ziya Kaya, H Dehghanisanij, O Kisi, ...
Irrigation and Drainage 72 (4), 945-970, 2023
Effects of different irrigation methods and mulch on corn (Zea mayz L.) evapotranspiration, yield, water use efficiency in a semi-arid climate
E Kanani, H Dehghanisanij, S Akhavan
2nd world Irrigation Forum (WIF2), 6-8, 2016
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