Margit Solymár
Margit Solymár
Medical School, University of Pecs
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe aok.pte.hu
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Citat de
Obesity is a risk factor for developing critical condition in COVID‐19 patients: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
M Földi, N Farkas, S Kiss, N Zádori, S Váncsa, L Szakó, F Dembrovszky, ...
Obesity Reviews 21 (10), e13095, 2020
Low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet improves symptoms in adults suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) compared to …
P Varjú, N Farkas, P Hegyi, A Garami, I Szabó, A Illés, M Solymár, ...
PloS one 12 (8), e0182942, 2017
Fever is associated with reduced, hypothermia with increased mortality in septic patients: a meta-analysis of clinical trials
Z Rumbus, R Matics, P Hegyi, C Zsiboras, I Szabo, A Illes, E Petervari, ...
PloS one 12 (1), e0170152, 2017
Probiotics have beneficial metabolic effects in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
T Kocsis, B Molnár, D Németh, P Hegyi, Z Szakács, A Bálint, A Garami, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11787, 2020
Hyperthermia induced by transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) antagonists in human clinical trials: Insights from mathematical modeling and meta-analysis
A Garami, YP Shimansky, Z Rumbus, RCL Vizin, N Farkas, J Hegyi, ...
Pharmacology & therapeutics 208, 107474, 2020
Theory of mind disturbances in borderline personality disorder: A meta-analysis
N Nemeth, P Matrai, P Hegyi, B Czeh, L Czopf, A Hussain, J Pammer, ...
Psychiatry Research 270, 143-153, 2018
Metformin induces significant reduction of body weight, total cholesterol and LDL levels in the elderly–A meta-analysis
M Solymár, I Ivic, L Poto, P Hegyi, A Garami, P Hartmann, E Petervari, ...
PLoS One 13 (11), e0207947, 2018
Capsaicin and capsiate could be appropriate agents for treatment of obesity: A meta-analysis of human studies
C Zsiborás, R Mátics, P Hegyi, M Balaskó, E Pétervári, I Szabó, P Sarlós, ...
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 58 (9), 1419-1427, 2018
Steroid but not biological therapy elevates the risk of venous thromboembolic events in inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis
P Sarlos, K Szemes, P Hegyi, A Garami, I Szabo, A Illes, M Solymar, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12 (4), 489-498, 2018
Therapeutic whole-body hypothermia reduces death in severe traumatic brain injury if the cooling index is sufficiently high: meta-analyses of the effect of single cooling …
E Olah, L Poto, P Hegyi, I Szabo, P Hartmann, M Solymar, E Petervari, ...
Journal of Neurotrauma 35 (20), 2407-2417, 2018
Classical celiac disease is more frequent with a double dose of HLA-DQB1* 02: A systematic review with meta-analysis
J Bajor, Z Szakács, N Farkas, P Hegyi, A Illés, M Solymár, E Pétervári, ...
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212329, 2019
Gender difference in the effects of interleukin-6 on grip strength–a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Mikó, L Pótó, P Mátrai, P Hegyi, N Füredi, A Garami, A Illés, M Solymár, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-9, 2018
Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice
P Kanizsai, A Garami, M Solymár, J Szolcsányi, Z Szelényi
Physiology & behavior 96 (1), 149-154, 2009
Compared efficacy of preservation solutions on the outcome of liver transplantation: Meta-analysis
ÁL Szilágyi, P Mátrai, P Hegyi, E Tuboly, D Pécz, A Garami, M Solymár, ...
World journal of gastroenterology 24 (16), 1812, 2018
In middle-aged and old obese patients, training intervention reduces leptin level: A meta-analysis
I Rostás, L Pótó, P Mátrai, P Hegyi, J Tenk, A Garami, A Illés, M Solymar, ...
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182801, 2017
Analgesic effect of dimethyl trisulfide in mice is mediated by TRPA1 and sst4 receptors
G Pozsgai, M Payrits, É Sághy, R Sebestyén-Bátai, E Steen, É Szőke, ...
Nitric Oxide 65, 10-21, 2017
Transversus abdominis plane block appears to be effective and safe as a part of multimodal analgesia in bariatric surgery: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized …
M Földi, A Soós, P Hegyi, S Kiss, Z Szakács, M Solymár, E Pétervári, ...
Obesity Surgery 31, 531-543, 2021
Baveno criteria safely identify patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease who can avoid variceal screening endoscopy: a diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis
Z Szakács, B Erőss, A Soós, P Mátrai, I Szabó, E Pétervári, J Bajor, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1028, 2019
Direct anticoagulants and risk of myocardial infarction, a multiple treatment network meta-analysis
P Kupó, Z Szakacs, M Solymár, T Habon, L Czopf, L Hategan, B Csányi, ...
Angiology 71 (1), 27-37, 2020
Combined use of indomethacin and hydration is the best conservative approach for post-ERCP pancreatitis prevention: A network meta-analysis
K Márta, N Gede, Z Szakács, M Solymár, PJ Hegyi, B Tél, B Erőss, ...
Pancreatology 21 (7), 1247-1255, 2021
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