Cedric Sallaberry
Cedric Sallaberry
Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus
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Survey of sampling-based methods for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
JC Helton, JD Johnson, CJ Sallaberry, CB Storlie
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 91 (10-11), 1175-1209, 2006
Implementation and evaluation of nonparametric regression procedures for sensitivity analysis of computationally demanding models
CB Storlie, LP Swiler, JC Helton, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (11), 1735-1763, 2009
Representation of analysis results involving aleatory and epistemic uncertainty
JC Helton, JD Johnson, WL Oberkampf, CJ Sallaberry
International Journal of General Systems 39 (6), 605-646, 2010
Sensitivity analysis in conjunction with evidence theory representations of epistemic uncertainty
JC Helton, JD Johnson, WL Oberkampf, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 91 (10-11), 1414-1434, 2006
Extension of Latin hypercube samples with correlated variables
CJ Sallaberry, JC Helton, SC Hora
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 93 (7), 1047-1059, 2008
Application of principal component analysis (PCA) and improved joint probability distributions to the inverse first-order reliability method (I-FORM) for predicting extreme sea …
AC Eckert-Gallup, CJ Sallaberry, AR Dallman, VS Neary
Ocean Engineering 112, 307-319, 2016
Quantification of margins and uncertainties: example analyses from reactor safety and radioactive waste disposal involving the separation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty
JC Helton, JD Johnson, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 96 (9), 1014-1033, 2011
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JC Helton, CW Hansen, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 107, 44-63, 2012
Use of replicated Latin hypercube sampling to estimate sampling variance in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis results for the geologic disposal of radioactive waste
CW Hansen, JC Helton, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 107, 139-148, 2012
Conceptual basis for the definition and calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JC Helton, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (3), 677-698, 2009
Analysis of computationally demanding models with continuous and categorical inputs
CB Storlie, BJ Reich, JC Helton, LP Swiler, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 113, 30-41, 2013
Full long-term design response analysis of a wave energy converter
RG Coe, C Michelen, A Eckert-Gallup, C Sallaberry
Renewable Energy 116, 356-366, 2018
Conceptual structure and computational organization of the 2008 performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JC Helton, CW Hansen, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 122, 223-248, 2014
Computational implementation of sampling-based approaches to the calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste …
JC Helton, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (3), 699-721, 2009
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis: from regulatory requirements to conceptual structure and computational implementation
JC Helton, CJ Sallaberry
Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing: 10th IFIP WG 2.5 Working …, 2012
Expected dose for the nominal scenario class in the 2008 performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JC Helton, CW Hansen, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 122, 267-271, 2014
Adsorption and capillary condensation in porous media as a function of the chemical potential of water in carbon dioxide
JE Heath, CR Bryan, EN Matteo, TA Dewers, Y Wang, CJ Sallaberry
Water Resources Research 50 (3), 2718-2731, 2014
Expected dose for the seismic scenario classes in the 2008 performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
JC Helton, MG Gross, CW Hansen, CJ Sallaberry, SD Sevougian
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 122, 380-398, 2014
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the nominal scenario class in the 2008 performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca …
CW Hansen, GA Behie, A Bier, KM Brooks, Y Chen, JC Helton, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 122, 272-296, 2014
Probability of loss of assured safety in systems with multiple time-dependent failure modes: Representations with aleatory and epistemic uncertainty
JC Helton, M Pilch, CJ Sallaberry
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 124, 171-200, 2014
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