Thomas Hofmann
Thomas Hofmann
Professor of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
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Citat de
Citat de
Probabilistic latent semantic indexing
T Hofmann
Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1999
Unsupervised learning by probabilistic latent semantic analysis
T Hofmann
Machine learning 42, 177-196, 2001
Kernel methods in machine learning
T Hofmann, B Schölkopf, AJ Smola
Large margin methods for structured and interdependent output variables
I Tsochantaridis, T Joachims, T Hofmann, Y Altun
Journal of machine learning research 6 (Sep), 1453-1484, 2005
Support vector machines for multiple-instance learning
S Andrews, I Tsochantaridis, T Hofmann
Advances in neural information processing systems 15, 2002
Latent semantic models for collaborative filtering
T Hofmann
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 22 (1), 89-115, 2004
Support vector machine learning for interdependent and structured output spaces
I Tsochantaridis, T Hofmann, T Joachims, Y Altun
Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning …, 2004
Beyond sliding windows: Object localization by efficient subwindow search
CH Lampert, MB Blaschko, T Hofmann
2008 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1-8, 2008
Latent class models for collaborative filtering
T Hofmann, J Puzicha
IJCAI 99 (1999), 1999
Hidden markov support vector machines
Y Altun, I Tsochantaridis, T Hofmann
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on machine learning (ICML …, 2003
Hyperbolic neural networks
O Ganea, G Bécigneul, T Hofmann
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
System and method for personalized search, information filtering, and for generating recommendations utilizing statistical latent class models
T Hofmann, JC Puzicha
US Patent 6,687,696, 2004
The missing link-a probabilistic model of document content and hypertext connectivity
D Cohn, T Hofmann
Advances in neural information processing systems 13, 2000
Collaborative filtering via gaussian probabilistic latent semantic analysis
T Hofmann
Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2003
Pairwise data clustering by deterministic annealing
T Hofmann, JM Buhmann
Ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 19 (1), 1-14, 1997
Unifying collaborative and content-based filtering
J Basilico, T Hofmann
Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning, 9, 2004
Stabilizing Training of Generative Adversarial Networks through Regularization
K Roth, A Lucchi, T Nowozin, S.: Hofmann
NIPS, 2017
Hierarchical document categorization with support vector machines
L Cai, T Hofmann
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international conference on Information …, 2004
Fully character-level neural machine translation without explicit segmentation
J Lee, K Cho, T Hofmann
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 5, 365-378, 2017
Efficient subwindow search: A branch and bound framework for object localization
CH Lampert, MB Blaschko, T Hofmann
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (12), 2129 …, 2009
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