Tarmizi Taher
Tarmizi Taher
Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe tl.itera.ac.id
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Citat de
Congo red dye removal from aqueous solution by acid-activated bentonite from sarolangun: kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic studies
T Taher, D Rohendi, R Mohadi, A Lesbani
Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 26 (1), 125-136, 2019
Preparation of magnetite-nanoparticle-decorated NiFe layered double hydroxide and its adsorption performance for congo red dye removal
T Taher, R Putra, NR Palapa, A Lesbani
Chemical Physics Letters 777, 138712, 2021
CuAl LDH/Rice husk biochar composite for enhanced adsorptive removal of cationic dye from aqueous solution
NR Palapa, T Taher, BR Rahayu, R Mohadi, A Rachmat, A Lesbani
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 15 (2), 525-537, 2020
Synthesis and characterization of montmorillonite–Mixed metal oxide composite and its adsorption performance for anionic and cationic dyes removal
T Taher, A Munandar, N Mawaddah, MS Wisnubroto, PMSBN Siregar, ...
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 147, 110231, 2023
High regeneration of ZnAl/NiAl-Magnetite humic acid for adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution
N Ahmad, FS Arsyad, I Royani, PMSBN Siregar, T Taher, A Lesbani
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 150, 110517, 2023
Adsorptive removal and photocatalytic decomposition of cationic dyes on niobium oxide with deformed orthorhombic structure
T Taher, A Yoshida, A Lesbani, I Kurnia, G Guan, A Abudula, W Ueda
Journal of Hazardous Materials 415, 125635, 2021
Kinetic and thermodynamic adsorption studies of congo red on bentonite
T Taher, R Mohadi, D Rohendi, A Lesbani
AIP Conference Proceedings 1823 (1), 2017
Preparation and utilization of Keggin-type polyoxometalate intercalated Ni–Fe layered double hydroxides for enhanced adsorptive removal of cationic dye
A Lesbani, T Taher, NR Palapa, R Mohadi, A Rachmat, Mardiyanto
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-4, 2020
High reusability of NiAl LDH/biochar composite in the removal methylene blue from aqueous solution
A Lesbani, NR Palapa, RJ Sayeri, T Taher, N Hidayati
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (2), 421-434, 2021
Optimization of chitosan–tapioca starch composite as polymer in the formulation of gingival mucoadhesive patch film for delivery of gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb) leaf extract
Miksusanti, AN Fithri, DP Wijaya, T Taher
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 144, 289-295, 2020
Removal of iron (II) using intercalated Ca/Al layered double hydroxides with [α-SiW12O40] 4
T Taher, MM Christina, M Said, N Hidayati, F Ferlinahayati, A Lesbani
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 14 (2), 260-267, 2019
Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous Congo red dye pollutants by rare-earth metal oxide (CeO2) nanorods
A Rianjanu, ASP Mustamin, EKA Melati, R Aflaha, NI Khamidy, M Utami, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 682, 132919, 2024
Innovative modified of Cu-Al/C (C= biochar, graphite) composites for removal of procion red from aqueous solution
A Wijaya, PMSBN Siregar, A Priambodo, NR Palapa, T Taher, A Lesbani
Science and Technology Indonesia 6 (4), 228-234, 2021
Thermal and Acid Activation (TAA) of bentonite as adsorbent for removal of methylene blue: A kinetics and thermodynamic study
T Taher, D Rohendi, R Mohadi, A Lesbani
Chiang Mai Journal of Science 45 (4), 1770-1781, 2018
Integrated adsorption and photocatalytic removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by hierarchical Nb2O5@ PAN/PVDF/ANO composite nanofibers
A Rianjanu, KDP Marpaung, EKA Melati, R Aflaha, YG Wibowo, ...
Nano Materials Science 6 (1), 96-105, 2024
Efficient removal of methylene blue by adsorption using composite based Ca/Al layered double hydroxide-biochar.
A Lesbani, F Asri, NR Palapa, T Taher, A Rachmat
Low-temperature hydrothermal carbonization of activated carbon microsphere derived from microcrystalline cellulose as carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorbent
T Taher, S Maulana, N Mawaddah, A Munandar, A Rianjanu, A Lesbani
Materials Today Sustainability 23, 100464, 2023
The capability of biochar-based CaAl and MgAl composite materials as adsorbent for removal Cr (VI) in aqueous solution
N Juleanti, NR Palapa, T Taher, N Hidayati, BI Putri, A Lesbani
Science and Technology Indonesia 6 (3), 196-203, 2021
Modification of Cu/Cr layered double hydroxide by Keggin type polyoxometalate as adsorbent of malachite green from aqueous solution
NR Palapa, T Taher, A Wijaya, A Lesbani
Science and Technology Indonesia 6 (3), 209-217, 2021
Unique adsorption properties of malachite green on interlayer space of Cu-Al and Cu-Al-SiW12O40 layered double hydroxides
NR Palapa, N Juleanti, N Normah, T Taher, A Lesbani
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 15 (3), 653-661, 2020
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