Axel Borchgrevink
Axel Borchgrevink
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Citat de
Silencing language: Of anthropologists and interpreters
A Borchgrevink
Ethnography 4 (1), 95-121, 2003
Limits to donor influence: Ethiopia, aid and conditionality
A Borchgrevink
Forum for Development studies 35 (2), 195-220, 2008
Marginalized groups, credit and empowerment: The case of Dedebit Credit and Savings Institution (DECSI) of Tigray, Ethiopia
A Borchgrevink
(No Title), 2005
Where ordinary laws fall short:‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism
E Macpherson, A Borchgrevink, R Ranjan, C Vallejo Piedrahíta
Griffith Law Review 30 (3), 438-473, 2021
Contested powers: The politics of energy and development in Latin America
JA McNeish, A Borchgrevink, O Logan
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015
Review of Bistandsnemda's (Norwegian Missions in Development) work with indigenous peoples
A Borchgrevink, JA McNeish
Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2007
International Engagement in Sudan after the CPA: Report on the piloting of OECD/DAC's' Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States' for the Case of Sudan
A Haslie, A Borchgrevink
NUPI, 2007
Clean and green: Indigenous knowledge and cultural models in a Philippine community
A Borchgrevink
Ethnos 67 (2), 223-244, 2002
Regional conflicts and international engagement on the Horn of Africa
A Borchgrevink, JHS Lie
A study of civil society in Nicaragua
A Borchgrevink
NUPI, 2006
Cutting aid to promote peace and democracy? Intentions and effectiveness of aid sanctions
KF Hansen, A Borchgrevink
The European Journal of Development Research 18 (4), 622-641, 2006
A study of civil society in Nicaragua: A report commissioned by NORAD
A Borchgrevink
Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Accessed May 4, 2015, 2006
Images of Norwegian aid
A Borchgrevink
Taylor & Francis Group 31 (1), 161-181, 2004
Ideas of power in the Philippines: Amulets and sacrifice
A Borchgrevink
Cultural Dynamics 15 (1), 41-69, 2003
owen Logan, eds. 2012
JA McNeish, A Borchgrevink
Contested powers: The politics of energy and development in Latin America, 0
Beyond legal personhood for the Whanganui River: collaboration and pluralism in implementing the Te Awa Tupua Act
M Cribb, E Macpherson, A Borchgrevink
The International Journal of Human Rights, 1-24, 2024
Introduction: Recovering power from energy–Reconsidering the linkages between energy and development
J McNeish, A Borchgrevink
Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America, 4-6, 2015
Clean and green: Knowledge and morality in a Philippine farming community
A Borchgrevink
(No Title), 2014
Doing well in the eyes of capital: Cultural transformation from Venezuela to Scotland
O Logan, JA McNeish, A Borchgrevink, O Logan
Contested powers: The politics of energy and development in Latin America …, 2015
Poverty-reducing effects of agricultural development in Tanzania
R Øygard, A Borchgrevink, E Lazaro, A Temu
Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway, 2002
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