QCD thermal phase transition in the presence of a small chemical potential CR Allton, S Ejiri, SJ Hands, O Kaczmarek, F Karsch, E Laermann, ...
Physical Review D 66 (7), 074507, 2002
943 2002 Thermodynamics of two flavor QCD to sixth order in quark chemical potential CR Allton, M Döring, S Ejiri, SJ Hands, O Kaczmarek, F Karsch, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (5), 054508, 2005
688 2005 Equation of state for two flavor QCD at nonzero chemical potential CR Allton, S Ejiri, SJ Hands, O Kaczmarek, F Karsch, E Laermann, ...
Physical Review D 68 (1), 014507, 2003
561 2003 Spectral Functions at Small Energies and the Electrical Conductivity<? format?> in Hot Quenched Lattice QCD G Aarts, C Allton, J Foley, S Hands, S Kim
Physical Review Letters 99 (2), 022002, 2007
326 2007 Electrical conductivity and charge diffusion in thermal QCD from the lattice G Aarts, C Allton, A Amato, P Giudice, S Hands, JI Skullerud
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (2), 1-29, 2015
265 2015 Electrical conductivity of the quark-gluon plasma across the deconfinement transition A Amato, G Aarts, C Allton, P Giudice, S Hands, JI Skullerud
Physical Review Letters 111 (17), 172001, 2013
244 2013 Four-Fermi theories in fewer than four dimensions S Hands, A Kocic, JB Kogut
Annals of Physics 224 (1), 29-89, 1993
235 * 1993 Symmetries and spectrum of SU (2) lattice gauge theory at finite chemical potential S Hands, JB Kogut, MP Lombardo, SE Morrison
Nuclear Physics B 558 (1-2), 327-346, 1999
226 1999 Numerical study of dense adjoint matter in two color QCD S Hands, I Montvay, S Morrison, M Oevers, L Scorzato, J Skullerud
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 17 (2), 285-302, 2000
212 2000 Where is the chiral critical point in 3-flavor QCD? F Karsch, CR Allton, S Ejiri, SJ Hands, O Kaczmarek, E Laermann, ...
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 129, 614-616, 2004
194 2004 The phase diagram of QCD S Hands
Contemporary Physics 42 (4), 209-225, 2001
189 2001 Two-color QCD at nonzero quark-number density JB Kogut, DK Sinclair, SJ Hands, SE Morrison
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The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 48, 193-206, 2006
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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2216), 20210064, 2022
170 2022 Study of QCD thermodynamics at finite density by Taylor expansion S Ejiri, CR Allton, SJ Hands, O Kaczmarek, F Karsch, E Laermann, ...
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 153, 118-126, 2004
165 2004 Quantum critical behavior in a graphenelike model S Hands, C Strouthos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165423, 2008
138 2008 Light baryons below and above the deconfinement transition: medium effects and parity doubling G Aarts, C Allton, D De Boni, S Hands, B Jäger, C Praki, JI Skullerud
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (6), 1-30, 2017
132 2017 Quarkyonic phase in dense two color matter S Hands, S Kim, JI Skullerud
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (9), 091502, 2010
132 2010 Towards the phase diagram of dense two-color matter S Cotter, P Giudice, S Hands, JI Skullerud
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (3), 034507, 2013
131 2013 Noncompact three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with and SJ Hands, JB Kogut, L Scorzato, CG Strouthos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (10), 104501, 2004
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