Martin Balog
Martin Balog
Institute of materials and machine mechanics, Slovak academy of sciences
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Production of titanium matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles
C Poletti, M Balog, T Schubert, V Liedtke, C Edtmaier
Composites Science and Technology 68 (9), 2171-2177, 2008
ECAP vs. direct extrusion—Techniques for consolidation of ultra-fine Al particles
M Balog, F Simancik, O Bajana, G Requena
Materials Science and Engineering: A 504 (1-2), 1-7, 2009
The effect of native Al2O3 skin disruption on properties of fine Al powder compacts
M Balog, C Poletti, F Simancik, M Walcher, W Rajner
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, S235-S238, 2011
Extruded Al–Al2O3 composites formed in situ during consolidation of ultrafine Al powders: Effect of the powder surface area
M Balog, F Simancik, M Walcher, W Rajner, C Poletti
Materials Science and Engineering: A 529, 131-137, 2011
On the thermal stability of ultrafine-grained Al stabilized by in-situ amorphous Al2O3 network
M Balog, T Hu, P Krizik, MVC Riglos, BD Saller, H Yang, JM Schoenung, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 648, 61-71, 2015
Forged HITEMAL: Al-based MMCs strengthened with nanometric thick Al2O3 skeleton
M Balog, P Krizik, M Nosko, Z Hajovska, MVC Riglos, W Rajner, DS Liu, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 613, 82-90, 2014
High-temperature strength of compacted sub-micrometer aluminium powder
C Poletti, M Balog, F Simancik, HP Degischer
Acta materialia 58 (10), 3781-3789, 2010
Nanoscaled Al–AlN composites consolidated by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) of partially in situ nitrided Al powder
M Balog, P Yu, M Qian, M Behulova, P Svec Sr, R Cicka
Materials Science and Engineering: A 562, 190-195, 2013
Reinforcement size dependence of load bearing capacity in ultrafine-grained metal matrix composites
H Yang, L Jiang, M Balog, P Krizik, JM Schoenung
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 4385-4392, 2017
Bioactive Ti+ Mg composites fabricated by powder metallurgy: The relation between the microstructure and mechanical properties
M Balog, AMH Ibrahim, P Krizik, O Bajana, A Klimova, A Catic, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 90, 45-53, 2019
Properties of thermally stable PM Al–Cr based alloy
D Vojtěch, J Verner, J Šerák, F Šimančík, M Balog, J Nagy
Materials Science and Engineering: A 458 (1-2), 371-380, 2007
In situ fabrication and mechanical properties of Al–AlN composite by hot extrusion of partially nitrided AA6061 powder
P Yu, M Balog, M Yan, GB Schaffer, M Qian
Journal of Materials Research 26 (14), 1719-1725, 2011
SAP-like ultrafine-grained Al composites dispersion strengthened with nanometric AlN
M Balog, P Krizik, M Yan, F Simancik, GB Schaffer, M Qian
Materials Science and Engineering: A 588, 181-187, 2013
Influence of grain boundaries with dispersed nanoscale Al2O3 particles on the strength of Al for a wide range of homologous temperatures
M Balog, P Krizik, O Bajana, T Hu, H Yang, JM Schoenung, EJ Lavernia
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 772, 472-481, 2019
Architectural design of advanced aluminum matrix composites: A review of recent developments
B Sadeghi, P Cavaliere, CI Pruncu, M Balog, M Marques de Castro, ...
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 49 (1), 1-71, 2024
Industrially fabricated in-situ Al-AlN metal matrix composites (part A): Processing, thermal stability, and microstructure
M Balog, P Krizik, P Svec Jr, L Orovcik
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 883, 160858, 2021
Microstructure dependent dislocation density evolution in micro-macro rolled Al2O3/Al laminated composite
B Sadeghi, P Cavaliere, M Balog, CI Pruncu, A Shabani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 830, 142317, 2022
Microstructure and properties of extruded rapidly solidified AlCr4. 7Fe1. 1Si0. 3 (at.%) alloys
M Cavojsky, M Balog, J Dvorak, E Illekova, P Svec, P Krizik, D Janickovic, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 549, 233-241, 2012
Ultrafine-grained Al composites reinforced with in-situ Al3Ti filaments
P Krizik, M Balog, M Nosko, MVC Riglos, J Dvorak, O Bajana
Materials Science and Engineering: A 657, 6-14, 2016
Industrially fabricated in-situ Al-AlN metal matrix composites (part B): The mechanical, creep, and thermal properties
M Balog, P Krizik, J Dvorak, O Bajana, J Krajcovic, M Drienovsky
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 909, 164720, 2022
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