Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Antoinette de BontAflați mai multe
Disponibile undeva: 23
The SELFIE framework for integrated care for multi-morbidity: development and description
FRM Leijten, V Struckmann, E van Ginneken, T Czypionka, M Kraus, ...
Health policy 122 (1), 12-22, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
The degree of integration of non-dispensing pharmacists in primary care practice and the impact on health outcomes: a systematic review
ACM Hazen, AA De Bont, L Boelman, DLM Zwart, JJ de Gier, NJ De Wit, ...
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 14 (3), 228-240, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Exploring the success of an integrated primary care partnership: a longitudinal study of collaboration processes
PP Valentijn, HJM Vrijhoef, D Ruwaard, A de Bont, RY Arends, ...
BMC health services research 15, 1-8, 2015
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Strengthening the evidence-base of integrated care for people with multi-morbidity in Europe using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
M Rutten-van Mölken, F Leijten, M Hoedemakers, A Tsiachristas, ...
BMC health services research 18, 1-18, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Collaboration processes and perceived effectiveness of integrated care projects in primary care: a longitudinal mixed-methods study
PP Valentijn, D Ruwaard, HJM Vrijhoef, A De Bont, RY Arends, ...
BMC health services research 15, 1-12, 2015
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Developing patient portals in a fragmented healthcare system
T Otte-Trojel, A de Bont, M Aspria, S Adams, TG Rundall, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (10), 835-846, 2015
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Design of the POINT study: Pharmacotherapy Optimisation through Integration of a Non-dispensing pharmacist in a primary care Team (POINT)
ACM Hazen, VM Sloeserwij, DLM Zwart, AA De Bont, ML Bouvy, ...
BMC family practice 16, 1-9, 2015
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Effects of non‐dispensing pharmacists integrated in general practice on medication‐related hospitalisations
VM Sloeserwij, ACM Hazen, DLM Zwart, AJ Leendertse, JM Poldervaart, ...
British journal of clinical pharmacology 85 (10), 2321-2331, 2019
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Non-dispensing pharmacists’ actions and solutions of drug therapy problems among elderly polypharmacy patients in primary care
ACM Hazen, DLM Zwart, JM Poldervaart, JJ de Gier, NJ de Wit, ...
Family practice 36 (5), 544-551, 2019
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Learning through boundary crossing: professional identity formation of pharmacists transitioning to general practice in the Netherlands
ACM Hazen, E De Groot, AA De Bont, S De Vocht, JJ De Gier, ML Bouvy, ...
Academic Medicine 93 (10), 1531-1538, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Controversy and consensus on a clinical pharmacist in primary care in the Netherlands
ACM Hazen, AW Wal, VM Sloeserwij, DLM Zwart, JJ Gier, NJ Wit, ...
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 38, 1250-1260, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Ethics as discursive work: the role of ethical framing in the promissory future of data-driven healthcare technologies
R Wehrens, M Stevens, J Kostenzer, AM Weggelaar, A De Bont
Science, Technology, & Human Values 48 (3), 606-634, 2023
Mandate: European Commission
Between “medical” and “social” egg freezing: A comparative analysis of regulatory frameworks in Austria, Germany, Israel, and the Netherlands
N Rimon-Zarfaty, J Kostenzer, LK Sismuth, A de Bont
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 1-17, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Women’s viewpoints on egg freezing in Austria: an online Q-methodology study
J Kostenzer, A de Bont, J van Exel
BMC medical ethics 22, 1-12, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Do project management and network governance contribute to inter-organisational collaboration in primary care? A mixed methods study
S Schepman, P Valentijn, M Bruijnzeels, M Maaijen, D de Bakker, ...
BMC health services research 18, 1-8, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Unveiling the controversy on egg freezing in The Netherlands: A Q-methodology study on women’s viewpoints
J Kostenzer, AME Bos, A de Bont, J van Exel
Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online 12, 32-43, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Understanding the uptake of big data in health care: Protocol for a multinational mixed-methods study
R Wehrens, V Sihag, S Sülz, H Van Elten, E van Raaij, A De Bont, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 9 (10), e16779, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Why personal dreams matter: How professionals affectively engage with the promises surrounding data-driven healthcare in Europe
M Stevens, R Wehrens, J Kostenzer, AM Weggelaar-Jansen, A de Bont
Big Data & Society 9 (1), 20539517211070698, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
Non-dispensing pharmacist integrated in the primary care team: effect on the quality of physician’s prescribing, a non-randomised comparative study
VM Sloeserwij, DLM Zwart, ACM Hazen, JM Poldervaart, AJ Leendertse, ...
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 42 (5), 1293-1303, 2020
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Mapmaking and the (re) organization of professional practice: a case study of Dutch primary care
MMH Maaijen, MM Felder, AAA de Bont, R Bal
Journal of Professions and Organization 5 (3), 230-247, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
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